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Islands of Lootverse_Presentation_Final

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Islands of Lootverse Islands of Lootverse Lootverse is a fantasy parallel world encompassing six realms: The Great Empire, Royaume de Satoshi, The Medici Principality, The Isle of Talos, The Kingdom of Xbysl and El Territorio. Some of these areas are gifted with islands of exuberant nature and paradisiacal views. Each island has a specific shape and history behind its geologic formation, enriched by its fauna and flora. They can present the perfect opportunity for Lootizens to push the boundaries of imagination and create their personal piece of heaven in the metaverse. Beyond mansions and exclusive beaches, residents can go further building incredible attractions and businesses, enhancing the value of their properties and fueling the in-world economy. Thus, these little gems of land must be seen as a subject of artistic and scientific exploration. Lootverse has nine islands with 22 plots altogether, of which 15 plots are regular, while 7 of them are exclusive plots from Loot NFT and are reserved to be listed on special dates and occasions. Lootizens will be able to buy their land in the islands announced at Lootverse's official marketplace, Satoshi's Lounge, using our native cryptocurrency, LTT. Meet the islands of Lootverse! Isle of Talos: Medea - 5plots Minos - 1 plot Europa - 1 plot The Medici Principality: Cretos Island - 7 plots (3 Reserved) The Great Empire: Triton Island - 4 plots (3 Reserved) Calypso - 1 plot Thetis - 1 plot Thalassa - 1 plot (1 Reserved) Pontos Haven - 1 plot PLOT L2148 Pontos Haven The Great Empire Islands of Lootverse Islands of Lootverse PLOT L2150 PLOT L2153 PLOT L2152 PLOT L2151 [RESERVED] [RESERVED] [RESERVED] Triton Island The Great Empire Islands of Lootverse PLOT F205 PLOT F207 PLOT F209 PLOT F211 PLOT F206 PLOT F212 PLOT F208 [RESERVED] [RESERVED] [RESERVED] Cretos The Medici Principality Islands of Lootverse PLOT H179 PLOT H180 Minos Isle of Talos Europa Isle of Talos Islands of Lootverse PLOT H174 PLOT H175 PLOT H176 PLOT H177 PLOT H178 Medea Isle of Talos Islands of Lootverse PLOT L2149 [RESERVED] Thalassa The Great Empire Islands of Lootverse PLOT L2146 PLOT L2147 Thetis The Great Empire Calypso The Great Empire

Islands of Lootverse_Presentation_Final