Isle of Fund HABN Island Vault Atoll Royaume de Satoshi Kingdom of X by SL Territorio LTT ST e Great Empire e S eal of Her M a j e s t y LOOT NFT WORLD The most amboyant of all of the states, this Spanish-speaking territory houses a clash of cultures. From the LTT trades in the El Mercado district to the solicitations for invites to the Great Empire, and even the traveling Caravans, it is a transient place; people are always on the move on the way to the Great Empire or a trek through the Dividing Range to the Royaume De Satoshi. Commerce uses derivations of LTT such as LTTE, LTTB, and LTTC. e S eal of Her M a j e s t y COASTLINE BORDERS HIGHEST POINT LOWEST POINT PLOTS SCALE GEOGRAPHY 193.03 KM (119.94 MILES) OCEAN, THE GREAT EMPIRE MT ELEUTHERIA +1392 M PUERTO DE LTT 0 M 1045 1:50000 THE SPANISH ARMADA Territorio LTT ST LOOT NFT WORLD LTT ST 73.54 KM LACHESIS +3139 M KLOTHO +2978 M THE GREAT DIVIDING RANGE ATROPOS +1567 M THE THREE SISTERS MOUNTAIN LANDS KILAM FOREST OF THE SOUTH VENUS FOREST MOUNT ELEUTHERIA +1392 M PUERTO DE LTT POINT OF INTEREST (EL MERCADO) THE GREAT DIVIDING RANGE LTT GATE PLOT T0759-221121 Territorio LTT ST LOOT NFT WORLD LTT ST H.M.LNFTLandRegistry TITLE NUMBER ISSUED ADMINISTRATIVE AREA SCALE T0759-221121 22 November 2021 TERRITORIO LTT ST Type W-T: Share of 0.1% of all BUN sales (rewarded in Credits) plus 1% of all LTT redeemed based on number of NFT Stories minted; Mint 4 NFT Stories 1/50000 OWNER ENTITLEMENT e S eal of Her M a j e s t y BOUNDARY: 2.55 KM e S eal of Her M a j e OFFICIAL PERSPECTIVE SHEET FOR FILING Indicate vantage point for each drawing. Copy and mark each sheet required prior to filing. Guide - Vantage point should be indicated as shown in the diagram:
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