Isle of Fund HABN Island Vault Atoll Royaume de Satoshi Kingdom of X by SL Territorio LTT ST e Great Empire e S eal of Her M a j e s t y LOOT NFT WORLD A place of stunning beauty, Le Royaume is known for its exquisite shopping, parks, and grand boulevards. Satoshi's Lounge (the area of La Boutique and Porte Feuille) offers limited-edition and unique items only available for sale in LTT. Land, all sorts of embellishments, and widgets are sold exclusively here. All items are offered rst on auction for 24 hours (with a reserve price), and if the reserve is not met, they are listed in a buy-it-now format (reserve price, plus 10%). e S eal of Her M a j e s t y COASTLINE BORDERS HIGHEST POINT LOWEST POINT PLOTS SCALE GEOGRAPHY 131 KM (81.40 MILES) OCEAN, THE GREAT EMPIRE, X BY SL MOUNT MEROPE +3588 M THE PORT OF SATOSHI 0 M 331 1:50000 LES SULTANS Royaume de SATOSHI LOOT NFT WORLD MOUNT MEROPE +3588 M LE PORT DE SATOSHI POINT OF INTEREST (LA BOUTIQUE) POINT OF INTEREST (PORTE FEUILLE) MOUNT MEROPE +3588 M MOUNT APHRODITE +2391 M LE PORT DE SATOSHI 36.02 KM PLOT S198-221121 Royaume de SATOSHI LOOT NFT WORLD H.M.LNFTLandRegistry TITLE NUMBER ISSUED ADMINISTRATIVE AREA SCALE S198-221121 22 November 2021 ROYAUME DE SATOSHI Type W-SL: Share of 1% of all LTT redeemed based on number of NFT Stories minted; Mint 4 NFT Stories 1/50000 OWNER ENTITLEMENT e S eal of Her M a j e s t y LA RIVIÈRE ENCHANTÉE BOUNDARY: 6.25 KM e S eal of Her M a j e OFFICIAL PERSPECTIVE SHEET FOR FILING Indicate vantage point for each drawing. Copy and mark each sheet required prior to filing. Guide - Vantage point should be indicated as shown in the diagram:
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