Isle of Fund HABN Island Vault Atoll Royaume de Satoshi Kingdom of X by SL Territorio LTT ST e Great Empire e S eal of Her M a j e s t y LOOT NFT WORLD As an economic and ruling powerhouse, the Great Empire controls the issuance and trade of BUN, LTT, and USDC reward credits. Decisions by its sitting parliamentarians affect Loot NFT World. Following the last war, border controls are tight and only invitees can enter. Each Sunday, all eyes focus on the Arena and the Crown's Podium, where battle-bidding auctions rage. The battle pit is not for the fainthearted and strategy plays a crucial role in winning. e S eal of Her M a j e s t y COASTLINE BORDERS HIGHEST POINT LOWEST POINT PLOTS SCALE GEOGRAPHY 462.64 KM (287.47 MILES) OCEAN, ROYAUME DE SATOSHI, X BY SL & TERRITORIO LTT ST MOUNT ARES +8120 M NFT PORT 0 M 2284 1:50000 HER MAJESTY'S GATED WORLD The Great EMPIRE LOOT NFT WORLD THE GREAT WALL OF THE NORTH THE WITCH'S WOODS SOUTH RESERVE PORT OF THE VAULT PARLIAMENT INTERCHANGE TOWER DWARF'S CHAMBER ARENA CROWN'S PODIUM ACCOUNTANT'S LAIR LOOT VAULT VAULT ATOLL BURN CABIN THE FORGER NFT PORT CONTROL TOWER BANKER'S COVE THE GATE GUARD'S QUARTERS 129.07 KM PLOT L0830-221121 The Great EMPIRE LOOT NFT WORLD H.M.LNFTLandRegistry TITLE NUMBER ISSUED ADMINISTRATIVE AREA SCALE L0830-221121 22 November 2021 THE GREAT EMPIRE Type W-GE: Share of 0.3% of all BUN sales based on number of NFT Stories minted (rewarded in Credits); Mint 4 NFT Stories 1/50000 OWNER ENTITLEMENT e S eal of Her M a j e s t y BOUNDARY: 4.79 KM SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY e S eal of Her M a j e OFFICIAL PERSPECTIVE SHEET FOR FILING Indicate vantage point for each drawing. Copy and mark each sheet required prior to filing. Guide - Vantage point should be indicated as shown in the diagram:
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