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Isle of Fund HABN Island Vault Atoll Royaume de Satoshi Kingdom of X by SL Territorio LTT ST e Great Empire e S eal of Her M a j e s t y LOOT NFT WORLD DEMETER'S OVERPASS MOUNT PLUTUS +2349 M POINT OF INTEREST (STAKEHOLDERS BUILDING) CRETOS THE DWARF'S MINE (BLOCKED) THE OLD TRACKS OF IASION 25.82 KM PLOT F408-221121 Often known as the "paperwork" center of Loot NFT World, the Isle of Fund is the destination for landowners to manage their plots. Plots grant rights embodied in revenue-bearing NFTs (or RB-NFTs), such as minting of NFT stories, receiving USDC platform credit rewards from the World's economic activities, and more. Its people are the leaders in NFT-wrapped instrument experimentations which occurs at the Stakeholder's Building. e S eal of Her M a j e s t y Isle of FUND LOOT NFT WORLD COASTLINE BORDERS HIGHEST POINT LOWEST POINT PLOTS SCALE GEOGRAPHY 73.54 KM (45.70 MILES) OCEAN MOUNT PLUTUS +2349 M THE DWARF'S MINE -215 M 490 1:50000 THE FINANCIERS BOUNDARY: 3.01 KM Isle of FUND LOOT NFT WORLD H.M.LNFTLandRegistry TITLE NUMBER ISSUED ADMINISTRATIVE AREA SCALE F408-221121 22 November 2021 ISLE OF FUND Type W-IOF: Share of 0.1% of all BUN sales based on number of NFT Stories minted (rewarded in Credits); Mint 4 NFT Stories 1/50000 OWNER ENTITLEMENT e S eal of Her M a j e s t y e S eal of Her M a j e OFFICIAL PERSPECTIVE SHEET FOR FILING Indicate vantage point for each drawing. Copy and mark each sheet required prior to filing. Guide - Vantage point should be indicated as shown in the diagram: