CREATOR'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY 1. Creator Identi cation Details Date: Name: 2. Artwork Information Title: Category: Medium: Dimensions: Description: Themed Set Title: Year of Completion: Type: Digital Only Digital and Physical Please tick where appropriate Reference: Country: Artist Web Link: Contact Number: Email: Surname: Page 1 of 3 23/06/2021 Kartikkant Warekar Dajee 4ir#0007 Mauritius https://www.instagram.com/dk_2508/ +230 59234285 kartikd2508@gmail.com Silk Road Falls ortrait a d hoto a i latio h l' r to r at r s 2021 hotosho 1280x1280 i ls A digital work about the rise and fall of Ross Ulbricht's Silk Road. An online black market founded in February . CREATOR'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY 2. Artwork Information (continued) Artist Statement - A detailed story about the work for viewer's understanding. Link to show the production of the creation (if any): Page 2 of 3 Ross illia Ulbricht had a o li s do DPR known as the Dread Pirate Roberts i a genius in technology and ha i a great knowledge in economics, Ulbricht created Silk Road a website where drugs and anything else ca sold trad d using itcoin. In the black market world, it was a success but it soo became his failure h th F s ca i . Silk Road started to burn into ashes and DPR watched it with a broken heart. o s tl , both f ll into the darkness to ac trials. ork is a r i d r o ho o r l th di ital cos st ca b a d ho d str cti it ca b o achi this r r s tatio co os d th l ts a idst a black r scal colo r al tt CREATOR'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY 3. Statement of Authenticity I, the undersigned creator, certify that the work described herein is my own and that I produced the same as an original, authentic, and unique one of one creation. This work will not be duplicated nor reproduced for future commercial gain. I certify that the above information and statements are true and correct. Photograph Inset of Work Creator's Name: Address: Signature: Signature: Company Stamp: Date: Creator's Agent Company Name: 4IR NFT trading as J+E Digital (IO) Ltd Jailesh Raggoo 4, Osman Khodabacus Street, Beau Bassin, Mauritius The Agent Authorized Representative: Date: Page 3 of 3 Kartikkant Warekar Dajee 23/06/21 23/06/21 AGENCY REPRESENTATION & CONSIGNMENT (a) I acknowledge that the below listed person is my agent and that I have granted that agent with full authority to list my creation for online auction at lootnft.io under a consignment sale transaction. My agent has explained the particulars of listing my creation for auction on lootnft.io, and I have understood the terms thereof, in particular, (i) the manner in which the proceeds of the auction are calculated and the creator's share of the proceeds to be received by my agent; (ii) the manner in which Loot NFT Co LLC pays, and when; that, (iii) an auction's end time is not fixed and could last hours, days or weeks; (iv) by listing my creation for auction on consignment, I have waived my rights to negotiate an outright sale of the same to Loot NFT Co LLC; and (v) that Loot NFT LLC contracts with my agent and not directly with me, and as such I represent that I have given full rights and authority to my agent to deal with Loot NFT Co LLC in relation to the sale of my creation on consignment, and that I shall have no claim against Loot NFT Co LLC in the event my agent does not pay me the creator's share of the proceeds from the auction of my creation. (b) I understand and agree that all sales are final and transfers the ownership and all rights to my creation to another. I certify that the creation conveyed and transferred at the auction is free and clear of all claims, liens, security interests, obligations and all other encumbrances of any kind or nature whatsoever. (c) I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I HAVE CONSULTED WITH INDEPENDENT LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING MY RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS FOR THE LISTING OF MY CREATION BY MY AGENT FOR AUCTION ON LOOTNFT.IO, TO THE EXTENT THAT I DETERMINED NECESSARY OR APPROPRIATE, AND THAT I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID SUBJECT MATTER. Page 1 of 2 Date: Creator's Name: Reference: Creation Title: Themed Set Title: 4ir#0007 Kartikkant Warekar Dajee DPR & Silk Road falls Ol's Creatures 23/06/21 h l' r to r at r s Silk Road Falls AGENCY REPRESENTATION & CONSIGNMENT Page 2 of 2 Subject to the terms of our partnership contract with Loot NFT Co LLC, we hereby unconditionally instruct Loot NFT Co LLC to list the abovementioned creation, on behalf of the creator that we represent as listed above, for auction at lootnft.io. Creator's Name: Address: Signature: Signature: Company Stamp: Date: Creator's Agent Company Name: 4IR NFT trading as J+E Digital (IO) Ltd Jailesh Raggoo 4, Osman Khodabacus Street, Beau Bassin, Mauritius The Agent Authorized Representative: Date: Kartikkant Warekar Dajee 23/06/21 23/06/21
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