-.-. . -. - .-. .- .-.. -... .- -. -.- NFT Collectibles Supply One (1) of only three (3) produced. This work is not the NFT sold in Loot Arena but a derivative product thereof with the agreement of the Arena NFT owner. Type Physical collectible and OpenSea minted NFT (ERC721). The physical collectible is shipped from Lootverse to the purchaser. The NFT is to be transferred to the purchaser's Ethereum address. Authenticity tracking The purchaser's particulars are recorded. Both seller and purchaser must record subsequent transfers of the physical collectible at the Government of Lootverse to maintain the chain of authenticity. This is required to avoid a split of physical and digital tracking. OpenSea Minting The Collectibles A total of three (3) physical collectibles are created out of each Arena NFT. The first is given to the winner of the NFT (does not apply to resales) in Loot Arena. The other two (2) are offered exclusively for sale in Satoshi's Lounge for purchase in LTT. About Loot Arena Loot Arena is the fantasy central bank of Lootverse. There, miners play by bidding the BUN token (Bid Units) at gamified auctions to win NFT rewards and, in the process, mine $LTT, the native currency of Lootverse. Each NFT is unique and created by a talented creator. NFTs from Loot Arena is part of a themed set of five (5) unique NFTs. https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/57624 227900993152021566482191398953544929470927477678805975132589084974776321 © 2022, Loot NFT Co LLC This collectible is derived from: Argentina Bitcoin - Fiat Cryptonite By David Banegas (USA) Included in Block #55, Sold in Loot Arena For USDC 6,511.18
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