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Appendix to World Bank Report - CWA Final Diagnostic Report July 2016.

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Read the Appendix to World Bank Report - CWA Diagnostic Report

Ministry Of Energy and Public Utilities

Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform & PPP Advisory Services for Central Water Authority Diagnostic Report – Final July 2016 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World BankP a g e " i 24th July 2016 Table of Contents 1. Background ...........................................................................................................................................1 2. Objective...............................................................................................................................................1 3. Report Structure ...................................................................................................................................1 4. Review of existing water supply services..............................................................................................2 4.1. Service Areas.................................................................................................................................2 5. Water Resources...................................................................................................................................1 6. Potable Water Production ....................................................................................................................1 6.1. Surface Water ...........................................................................................................................1 6.1.1. Proposed Augmentation from Bagatelle Dam......................................................................1 6.2. Ground Water ...........................................................................................................................2 6.3. Water Production..........................................................................................................................2 6.4. Production Trend ..........................................................................................................................3 6.5. Adequacy Check of Available Resources.......................................................................................7 7. Water Networks....................................................................................................................................9 7.1. Composition of Networks .............................................................................................................9 7.2. Leak Repair Analysis....................................................................................................................11 7.3. Continuity of Water Services ......................................................................................................14 8. Commercial Services...........................................................................................................................15 8.1. Customer Categories...................................................................................................................15 8.2. Customer Meters........................................................................................................................15 8.3. Customer Complaints..................................................................................................................16 9. Water Sales .........................................................................................................................................17 9.1. Business growth trend ................................................................................................................17 9.2. Comparison of production and sales trend ................................................................................18 9.3. Consumption Analysis.................................................................................................................19 9.4. Customer Analysis in Different Consumption Range..................................................................20 9.5. Bulk Customer Unit.....................................................................................................................24 10. Non-Revenue Water .......................................................................................................................27 11. Review of NRW Project...................................................................................................................29 12. Review of Planning and Development Activities ............................................................................33 12.1. Planning and Development (P&D) Division.............................................................................33 12.2. CWA Capital Projects Implemented between 2006 – 15........................................................34 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World BankP a g e " ii 24th July 2016 12.3. CWA Ongoing Improvements .................................................................................................34 12.4. CWA Proposed Investments ...................................................................................................36 13. CWA Financials................................................................................................................................38 13.1. CWA Tariffs and Income..........................................................................................................39 13.2. CWA has increasing block structure tariff regime ..................................................................39 14. CWA Organisation...........................................................................................................................40 14.1. Organisational Analysis of CWA..............................................................................................41 15. Service Improvement Planning.......................................................................................................44 15.1. NRW Reduction Consultancy Contract ...................................................................................44 15.2. In-sourcing of external professionals......................................................................................44 15.3. Hiring of Consultants...............................................................................................................44 15.4. Intermittent Water Supply......................................................................................................44 15.5. Requirement of additional water resources...........................................................................46 15.6. Focused NRW Control.............................................................................................................47 16. Costing of Service Improvements...................................................................................................50 16.1. Capex Requirements...............................................................................................................50 16.2. Basis for Scoping .....................................................................................................................50 16.3. Basis for Costing......................................................................................................................50 Annexure 1 - Existing Pipe Networks in CWA ............................................................................................52 Annexure 2 A - Capital Projects Proposed under BMF Program Phase 1...................................................53 Annexure 2 B - Capital Projects Proposed under BMF Program Phase 2 ...................................................54 Annexure 3 - CWA Organisation Chart .......................................................................................................55 Annexure 4 A- CWA Capex Assumptions....................................................................................................56 Annexure 4B – CWA Capex Profile up to the year 2022.............................................................................61 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World BankP a g e " iii 24th July 2016 List of Tables Table 1 – CWA Infrastructure Details for Potable Water Business...............................................................3 Table 2 – Water Resources Balance for Mauritius........................................................................................1 Table 3 – Water Resource Requirement Projection .....................................................................................2 Table 4 – Water Treatment Plants in CWA...................................................................................................1 Table 5 – CWA Boreholes and Pump Capacity Installed updated up to 3rd March 2016 ............................2 Table 6 – Share of surface and ground water on potable water production in CWA in 2015......................3 Table 7 – CWA Surface Water Production Trend..........................................................................................4 Table 8 – Comparison of Projected Demand with Actual Production in the year 2013 in cum/day............7 Table 9 - Water Networks in CWA ................................................................................................................9 Table 10 – Age distribution of networks.....................................................................................................10 Table 11 – Leak Repair Analysis in MAV Upper Zone .................................................................................12 Table 12 – Customer Accounts in CWA.......................................................................................................15 Table 13 – CWA Complaints Analysis..........................................................................................................16 Table 14 – Water Sales Summary ...............................................................................................................17 Table 15 – Distribution of Customers as per monthly consumption range................................................20 Table 16 – Distribution of customers - Domestic .......................................................................................21 Table 17 – Distribution of Customers - Commercial...................................................................................21 Table 18 – Distribution of Customers - Hotels, Casino, Service Stations....................................................22 Table 19 – Distribution of Customers - Government and Charity Institutions...........................................22 Table 20 – Distribution of Customers – Non-Potable.................................................................................22 Table 21 – Customer and sales data for Bulk Customer Unit .....................................................................24 Table 22 – Consumption and revenue realization analysis ........................................................................26 Table 23 – NRW Performance Indicators....................................................................................................28 Table 24 – NRW Project Scope....................................................................................................................30 Table 25- NRW Project Financials as on 29th February 2016.....................................................................30 Table 26 – Capital Projects Implemented during 2006 - 15........................................................................34 Table 27 – CWA ongoing capital projects ...................................................................................................35 Table 28 – WMA Contracts for Replacement of CWA Networks................................................................36 Table 29 – CWA Operating Expenditure .....................................................................................................38 Table 30 - Retirements up to Year 2020 .....................................................................................................40 Table 31 – CWA Organizational Performance Review................................................................................41 Table 32 – Percentage customers with different supply hours..................................................................46 Table 33 – Projected NRW and Production Volumes .................................................................................46 Table 34 – Unit Costs considered for capex planning.................................................................................50 Table 35 – Proposed renovation and augmentation of production capacity.............................................51 Table 36 – Abstract of Capex Investments .................................................................................................51 Table 37 – CWA Capex Projections.............................................................................................................51 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World BankP a g e " iv 24th July 2016 List of Figures Figure 1 – CWA Operating Zones..................................................................................................................2 Figure 2 – Potable Water Resource requirement in the year 2025..............................................................3 Figure 3 – CWA total water production trend..............................................................................................3 Figure 4 – CWA Surface Water Production Trend ........................................................................................5 Figure 5 – CWA Ground Water Production Trend ........................................................................................5 Figure 6 – CWA Total Production Trend .......................................................................................................6 Figure 7 – CWA Production – Comparison between surface and ground water..........................................6 Figure 8 – Network Composition................................................................................................................10 Figure 9 – Cast Iron Pipe Distribution.........................................................................................................11 Figure 10 – AC Pipe Distribution.................................................................................................................11 Figure 11 – Leak Repair Analysis – Category of Leak..................................................................................12 Figure 12 – Leak Repair Analysis – Pipe Material .......................................................................................13 Figure 13 – Comparison of Bursts in year 2003..........................................................................................13 Figure 14 – Comparison of Leaks in Year 2003...........................................................................................14 Figure 15 – Water Supply Hours Trend.......................................................................................................14 Figure 16 – CWA Business Growth Tend.....................................................................................................18 Figure 17 – Production Trend .....................................................................................................................18 Figure 18 – Sales Trend...............................................................................................................................18 Figure 19 – Consumption Trend..................................................................................................................19 Figure 20 – BCU Sales Trend .......................................................................................................................25 Figure 21 – NRW Trend in CWA ..................................................................................................................27 Figure 22 – NRW Indicators ........................................................................................................................28 Figure 23 – Analysis of consumption from 10000 connections with replaced meters ..............................32 Figure 24 – Extract from NRW Report on Pipe Failure ...............................................................................33 Figure 25 – CWA Operating Expenditure 2015...........................................................................................39 Figure 26 – CWA Management Structure...................................................................................................40 Figure 27 – Vicious cycle of intermittent water supply ..............................................................................45 Figure 28 – Strategy for Service Improvement...........................................................................................49 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 1 24h July 2016 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform – CWA Diagnostic Report - Final 1. Background The Government of Mauritius (GoM) has requested the World Bank to provide Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) in the form of strategic advice and support for the design and implementation of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) for the Central Water Authority (CWA) and for potable water sector reform in GOM's territory. This shall include, amongst other deliverables, a study of the institutional framework and performance of the CWA, its operations and activities to date, an assessment of the risks associated with the most suitable PPP structure and a roadmap for the transaction and associated legal and institutional reforms, including terms of reference for transaction advisors. The Bank's Advisory Services are not intended to be a full diagnostic of the water sector and PPP options in Mauritius but rather focused advice - largely based on looking at past reports and studies (such as a PPP feasibility study and due diligence of the IFC in 2003-4 (IFC 2004 Report)) as well as more recent work carried out by various consultants - to make strategic recommendations on the most feasible PPP option, key design features of the PPP schemes, and road map for the reform, taking into account most recent data available. The World Bank appointed Jalakam Solutions Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as the 'Consultant') to undertake the diagnostic study focused on technical due-diligence for establishing the current performance status of CWA. 2. Objective The objective of this study is to assist the project team in the analysis of the technical aspects of the proposed PPP reform, including (i) assessing CWA operational performance, (ii) reviewing and validating CWA's investment program, (iii) providing projections for revenues, opex and capex for the financial model, and (iv) providing inputs for the key design features of the PPP scheme. The Consultant visited CWA during 14th -23rd March 2016 and 1st - 7th April 2016, and undertook technical and financial due-diligence and performance evaluation through a series of discussions with the senior management staff, review of existing study reports, as well as field visits and presents the findings hereunder. CWA is responsible for managing the potable water to all the customers (domestic, non-domestic, commercial and industrial) in Mauritius as well as provision of non-treated surface and ground water for irrigation and business purposes. For the purpose of current study, the revenue data for both potable and non-treated water business is provided but the analysis is limited to the potable water business only. 3. Report Structure The report presents the findings in three sections (i) Part 1 provides the background and summary of existing water supply services; (ii) Part 2 presents the summary on the CWA' operational performance and (iii) Part 3 provides the details of proposed service improvement plan with necessary proposals and costs including implementation timeline. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 2 24h July 2016 4. Review of existing water supply services The Central Water Authority (CWA) historically had been providing a reasonable level of water services to the local population with over 99% coverage and meeting the growing needs of the developing economy. However, in the past decade, CWA had been witnessing lower than required performance in respect of managing water losses in the networks, resulting in operating inefficiency and increased rationing of available supplies to the customers. In turn this has led to hardship and increased risk to public health as well as rapid degeneration in the condition of infrastructure. This situation coupled with lack of demand management, low tariffs and inaccuracies in metering and billing is further affecting the service levels on a downward trajectory. CWA had over the last couple of decades implemented a Non-Revenue Water reduction program by dividing the networks into District Metered Areas and undertaking periodical leak detection and repair. Despite the efforts, the level of Non-Revenue Water has generally remained at over 55%. During the period between 2004–6, CWA with funding from European Investment Bank hired Severn Trent Water on a short term technical service contract with limited improvement in performance. Recently CWA partnered with the consortium led by Singapore Cooperation Enterprise and implemented a focused NRW reduction program in MAV Upper zone. While appreciable improvements in data management and monitoring had been witnessed, as well as capacity building, this did not result in sustainable reduction in NRW and CWA continues with the intermittent water services in a substantial part of the service area. Works are ongoing for pipe replacement and so impact of the activity is not yet established. 4.1. Service Areas CWA operations are divided into six geographically distinct operating zones as shown in the following figure1 . Figure 1 – CWA Operating Zones 1 Areas in white are mountain regions with protected forests and limited habitation Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 3 24h July 2016 The summary of CWA infrastructure for potable water in each of the operating zones is shown in the following table. Table 1 – CWA Infrastructure Details for Potable Water Business Code Area Population Commu ters Consumers Resources Ground water Surface water Service reservoirs Pipe Network Operating Zone Km2 Nos Nos Nos m3/d % % Nos Km Port Louis Water Supply PLWS 36 130000 70000 49000 83000 40% 60% 14 450 District Water Supply- North DWSN 340 230000 - 77000 106000 55% 45% 17 948 District Water Supply - East DWSE 230 140000 - 44000 58000 70% 30% 12 586 District Water Supply- South DWSS 235 190000 - 52000 70000 43% 57% 15 666 MARE AUX VACOAS Supply -Upper MAVU 220 220000 - 69000 90000 17% 83% 21 818 MARE AUX VACOAS Supply -Lower MAVL 200 200000 - 62000 98000 80% 20% 27 860 Total 1261 1110000 70000 353000 505000 51% 49% 106 4328 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 1 24h July 2016 5. Water Resources The water resources in Mauritius have their origin and are maintained by the rain. The long-term mean annual rainfall over the island is about 2,000 mm pa (1971 - 2000). The topographical features of Mauritius enhance the rainfall, and the annual rainfall over the island is about twice the amount experienced over the surrounding ocean. In spite of the relatively small area of Mauritius, the variability in the spatial distribution of annual rainfall is very prominent and varies from about 1,300 mm on the east coast to more than 4,000 mm at the plateau and down to 600 - 800 mm on the west coast. The variability in mean monthly rainfall over the year is rather uniform across the island. In average some two-thirds of the annual rainfall occurs in the summer period, i.e. from December to April, due to passage of low pressure troughs and occasional tropical cyclones. The dry season is between May to November. The water resource balance for the island is given below. Table 2 – Water Resources Balance for Mauritius2 Water Balance for Mauritius Million-m3 Input Rainfall 3737 Surface run off to sea 1318 Evaporation 1604 Usable potential 815 Output Potable water 244 Irrigation 265 Present use volume 509 Balance 306 Source for potable water data – Author's analysis for the year 2015 Against the above available resources, the water demand projection for CWA is shown in the table in the following page. The projected water demand for the year 2050 is estimated to be 738070cum/day which is equivalent to 270million m3 per annum indicating an additional annual water resource requirement of about 36million m3 over and above the current usage. 2 Master Plan for Development of Water Resources in Mauritius Volume I, Table 5 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 2 24h July 2016 Table 3 – Water Resource Requirement Projection3 Category Year Water Supply Zone (m3/day) Total Port Louis North MAV Upper MAV Lower South East Potable Water Domestic 2009/10 68,890 95,560 88,890 82,220 68,890 57,780 4,62,230 2025 60,000 85,000 80,000 75,000 61,670 53,330 4,15,000 2050 62,670 90,670 77,330 81,330 61,330 54,670 4,28,000 Commercial 2009/10 14,440 7,780 8,890 8,890 4,450 4,450 48,900 2025 13,330 6,670 8,330 75,000 3,670 3,830 1,10,830 2050 12,000 6,670 8,000 72,000 3,470 3,860 1,06,000 Industrial 2009/10 14,000 4,440 3,110 2,220 2,440 440 26,650 2025 14,170 37,830 3,170 2,330 2,500 500 60,500 2050 18,670 32,670 4,130 2,930 3,330 670 62,400 Tourism 2009/10 1,020 11,470 110 5,930 3,380 7,640 29,550 2025 2,000 14,000 1,000 10,000 15,000 12,000 54,000 2050 1,600 11,200 800 8,000 12,000 9,600 43,200 Agriculture 2009/10 220 2,220 2,220 2,000 890 1,100 8,650 2025 170 2,500 2,330 2,170 1,000 1,170 9,340 2050 130 3,730 3,600 3,330 1,600 1,870 14,260 Institutional 2009/10 8,880 4,890 5,110 5,780 4,440 2,670 31,770 2025 7,500 4,330 4,670 5,330 4,080 2,500 28,410 2050 8,670 5,070 5,200 6,000 4,670 2,800 32,410 Sub-total Potable water 2009/10 1,07,450 1,26,360 1,08,330 1,07,040 84,490 74,080 6,07,750 2025 97,170 1,50,330 99,500 1,69,830 87,920 73,330 6,78,080 2050 1,03,740 1,50,010 99,060 1,73,590 86,400 73,470 6,86,270 Raw water Industrial boreholes 2009/10 1,700 4,700 4,500 2,500 400 500 14,300 2025 2,300 6,300 6,000 3,400 500 700 19,200 2050 3,700 10,300 9,900 5,500 800 1,100 31,300 Agriculture boreholes 2010/25/50 100 4,700 200 2,200 5,200 200 12,600 Agriculture surface water 2010/25/50 300 1,900 900 200 200 0 3,500 CTBV 2010/25/50 0 4,400 0 0 0 0 4,400 Sub-total raw water 2009/10 2,100 15,700 5,600 4,900 5,800 700 34,800 2025 2,700 17,300 7,100 5,800 5,900 900 39,700 2050 4,100 21,300 11,000 7,900 6,200 1,300 51,800 Total requirements 2009/10 1,09,550 1,42,060 1,13,930 1,11,940 90,290 74,780 6,42,550 2025 99,870 1,67,630 1,06,600 1,75,630 93,820 74,230 7,17,780 2050 1,07,840 1,71,310 1,10,060 1,81,490 92,600 74,770 7,38,070 3 Master Plan for Development of Water Resources in Mauritius Volume I, Table 31 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 3 24h July 2016 It can be seen in table 3 above, the potable water requirement in the year 2025 is projected to be 678080cum/day in the year 2025 and 686270cum/day in the year 2050. The zone wise distribution of resource requirement is shown in the following chart. Figure 2 – Potable Water Resource requirement in the year 2025 Port Louis 14% North 22% MAV Upper 15% MAV Lower 25% East 11% South 13% Potable Water Requirement in 2025 - 678080cum/day Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 1 24h July 2016 6. Potable Water Production CWA produces about 46% of treated water from surface water resources and about 54% of the treated water from boreholes. 6.1. Surface Water CWA operates six water treatment plants as per the details below. Table 4 – Water Treatment Plants in CWA Production capacity cum/day Location Location Zone Design 2015 Pailles WTW Port Louis 80000 80000 La Marie -Old 60000 50000 La Marie – New MAV Upper 72000 70000 La Nicoliere DWSN 66000 67000 Piton du Milieu DWSE 37000 30150 River du Poste DWSS 15000 17160 Mont Blanc DWSS 10000 9615 Total 340000 323925 CWA has had technical assistance from a JICA organized study of water treatment processes and planned implementing process improvement works in all the water treatment plants (WTPs) including capacity augmentation in Pailles and La Marie WTPs. The WTP at Pailles has been rehabilitated and commissioned recently both to increase the effectiveness of treatment process as well as to increase the production capacity from 60,000 to 80,000cum/day. In the case of La Marie WTP, CWA is implementing process improvement works to ensure more effective and efficient settlement of sludge during high turbidity events. Similarly, CWA has planned implementing treatment process improvement works in all other WTP locations under the Build Mauritius Fund (BMF) and initiated procurement of consultants. 6.1.1.Proposed Augmentation from Bagatelle Dam With a view to cope with seasonal deficits in water resources as a result of climate change, and to address the present unsatisfied and projected demand for potable water in the Port Louis and MAV Lower operating zones, CWA proposed to set up a new WTP and accompanying distribution pipelines from the Bagatelle Dam (25 Mm3 dam annual storage capacity). The source augmentation project being implemented under a loan from the Government of Mauritius (GoM), comprises the construction of a 60,000m3/day capacity rapid gravity filter plant, associated storage reservoir and transmission facilities, is split into 4 contracts the status of which is as follows: i. Construction of Bagatelle Water Treatment Plant (est. cost: Rs 1.25 billion) (status: Award delayed as case challenging award is still in court). If and when it is awarded, construction period expected to be 18 to 24 months Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 2 24h July 2016 ii. Construction of Feeder Pipeline from Municipal Dyke to Pailles WTP (status: completed and pipeline in service) (project value: Rs 144.5M) iii. Construction of Pipeline (8km) from Bagatelle WTP to Soreze (Est. cost: Rs 144.3M) (status: Award imminent) iv. Construction of Pipeline (8km) from Bagatelle WTP to Belle Rose and Rose Hill (Est. cost: Rs 87.8M) (status: Award imminent) With the completion of Bagatelle bulk water facilities and transmission system, the MAV Lower zone should get good relief from the chronic intermittent water supply. Also availability of 60000cum/day surface water with the proposed water transfer grid would ease the dry season shocks currently experienced by CWA and facilitate more sustained reduction of NRW with the availability of spare demand. 6.2. Ground Water CWA as of 3rd March 2016, had installed 164 bore holes with a total pumping capacity of 6243kW. The spatial distribution of the boreholes in given below. Table 5 – CWA Boreholes and Pump Capacity Installed updated up to 3rd March 2016 Operating Zone Bore Holes KW % PL 16 575 9% DWSN 43 1597 26% MAVU 13 444 7% MAVL 50 1636 26% DWSE 19 1102 18% DWSS 23 889 14% Total 164 6243 100% The boreholes and the pumps are maintained by the CWA central mechanical and electrical (M&E) maintenance teams reporting to the Chief Engineer (Water Resources and Support Services). The ground water production trend is analysed in the next section. 6.3. Water Production At the end of year 2015 CWA sourced about 54% (average 360mld) of the resources from some 164 boreholes located across the island and the balance 46% (average 310mld) from surface water from raw water reservoirs as well as direct abstraction from the local rivers. The share of surface and ground water in each operating zone is shown below. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 3 24h July 2016 Table 6 – Share of surface and ground water on potable water production in CWA in 2015 2015 Surface Ground Total Surface Ground Zone Cum/annum % % PL 179,28,360 170,72,297 350,00,657 51% 49% DWSN 261,12,047 247,72,434 508,84,481 51% 49% MAVU 439,65,622 77,15,639 516,81,261 85% 15% MAVL 0 325,39,549 325,39,549 0% 100% DWSE 143,63,872 235,51,792 379,15,664 38% 62% DWSS 107,07,317 255,65,135 362,72,452 30% 70% Total 1130,77,218 1312,16,846 2442,94,064 46% 54% 6.4. Production Trend The water production trend for the period 2012- 2015 is presented in Table 7 in the next page and the analysis is presented in the chart below. The total water production trend is analysed below. Figure 3 – CWA total water production trend It can be seen above that there had been a slight dip (-0.2%) in production during the year 2013 and it increased by about 5% in year 2014 and by about 6% in year 2015. CWA informed that the year 2013 was a drought year and the utility had struggled to meet the demand due to shortage of resources and resorted to water cuts across the island. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 4 24h July 2016 Table 7 – CWA Surface Water Production Trend The seasonable variations in surface and ground water production is presented in the following charts. 2012 Code Surface Ground Import Export Sys Input Avg/day PL S11 217,06,243 142,05,252 65,62,590 7,41,998 417,32,087 114335 DWSN S12 259,02,121 223,09,601 9,20,464 59,88,052 431,44,134 118204 MAVU S21 362,39,298 63,83,823 2,07,055 86,70,376 341,59,800 93589 MAVL S22 306,32,916 80,73,581 6,47,595 380,58,902 104271 DWSE S31 118,18,724 213,92,530 73,057 17,23,389 315,60,922 86469 DWSS S32 107,73,062 183,87,952 19,34,665 310,95,679 85194 Total 1064,39,448 1133,12,074 177,71,412 177,71,410 2197,51,524 602059 2013 Code Surface Ground Import Export Sys Input PL S11 207,00,277 131,31,122 65,99,077 6,18,479 398,11,997 109074 DWSN S12 264,14,256 214,80,499 7,81,928 59,70,000 427,06,683 117005 MAVU S21 433,77,346 67,81,120 1,93,645 111,22,332 392,29,779 107479 MAVL S22 312,49,056 103,44,955 6,76,527 409,17,484 112103 DWSE S31 95,14,234 201,28,925 47,450 18,27,330 278,63,279 76338 DWSS S32 98,56,462 167,77,261 22,27,552 288,61,275 79072 Total 1098,62,575 1095,47,983 201,94,607 202,14,668 2193,90,497 601070 2014 Code Surface Ground Import Export Sys Input PL S11 193,46,387 156,30,381 56,34,832 7,49,305 398,62,295 109212 DWSN S12 269,54,646 223,12,155 12,24,752 52,16,208 452,75,345 124043 MAVU S21 420,41,910 72,34,389 3,42,389 109,41,714 386,76,974 105965 MAVL S22 321,21,497 101,55,466 5,24,832 417,52,131 114390 DWSE S31 123,25,841 203,21,569 46,631 28,12,048 298,81,993 81869 DWSS S32 105,82,822 216,20,020 28,39,977 350,42,819 96008 Total 1112,51,606 1192,40,011 202,44,047 202,44,107 2304,91,557 631484 2015 Code Surface Ground Import Export Sys Input PL S11 174,92,061 178,92,717 57,46,343 11,53,400 399,77,721 109529 DWSN S12 261,12,046 247,72,435 13,12,543 52,95,485 469,01,539 128498 MAVU S21 439,65,614 77,18,127 4,33,540 126,21,363 394,95,918 108208 MAVL S22 332,67,091 119,06,009 6,36,341 445,36,759 122019 DWSE S31 143,63,871 235,51,790 50,200 26,69,536 352,96,325 96703 DWSS S32 107,07,322 255,65,133 29,27,491 391,99,946 107398 Total 1126,40,914 1327,67,293 223,76,126 223,76,125 2454,08,208 672352 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 5 24h July 2016 Figure 4 – CWA Surface Water Production Trend Figure 5 – CWA Ground Water Production Trend 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Thousands Surface Water Production cum/month PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Thousands Ground Water Production cum/month PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 6 24h July 2016 Figure 6 – CWA Total Production Trend Figure 7 – CWA Production – Comparison between surface and ground water 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Thousands CWA Production Volume in Cum/month Surface Water Ground Water Toral Production 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Thousands CWA Production Trend Ground Water Surface Water Proportion of Ground Water Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 7 24h July 2016 Inferences: i. Ground water production share was at 55% and later reduced to 48% in the drought year 2013 and stabilized at 52% in the recent times. ii. During dry seasons in each year, CWA produced more ground water by operating more boreholes. iii. MAV Lower is totally dependent on ground water at 100% followed by DWS South at 70%. iv. Port Louis had been witnessing substantial variation between share of ground water and it is apparently due to quality problems in Clairefonds source and the problem is said to be solved with the commissioning of the rehabilitation of Pailles WTP. 6.5. Adequacy Check of Available Resources An attempt is made to check the adequacy of the available water resources, by comparing the future demand to the current production levels both in the drought year of 2013 and the normal rainfall year of 2015. CWA Master Plan projected future demand for potable water with the following assumptions. i. Increase in per capita consumption to 175lpcd by the year 2025 and 180lpcd by the year 2050 ii. Reduction in Non-Revenue Water to 40% by the year 2025 and 25% by the year 2050. An attempt is made to compare the projected demand with that of lowest production occurred in the drought year 2013 and also during the normal rainfall year of 2015 and is presented below. Table 8 – Comparison of Projected Demand with Actual Production in the year 2013 in cum/day Comparison to drought year 2013 Comparison to normal year 2015 Operating Zone Demand at Tap in 2025 Production Difference Losses permissible Production Difference Losses permissible PL 57540 109075 51535 47% 109527 51987 47% DWSN 90410 117005 26595 23% 128498 38088 30% MAVU 59180 107479 48299 45% 108209 49029 45% MAVL 101920 112103 10183 9% 122019 20099 16% DWSE 44390 76338 31948 42% 96702 52312 54% DWSS 52610 79072 26462 33% 107397 54787 51% Total 406050 601072 195022 32% 672352 266302 40% It can be seen above that except in MAV Lower the available production as achieved in the normal year of 2015 is reasonably sufficient to meet the demand needs in the year 2025 provided CWA institutes a focused and structured program of water loss control to reduce the average losses to 40% from the present level of 56%. With the advent of Bagatellle with capacity of facilitating an additional resource of 40000cum/day for MAV Lower, the CWA would be comfortable with the available resources even during the risky drought years. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 8 24h July 2016 The adequacy check, against the production volume during the drought year 2013 shows that CWA requires additional efforts to contain the water losses so as to insulate the customers from water rationing or water cuts. If the water loss reduction program is coupled with demand management measures like rationlisation of domestic tariff and robust customer meter maintenance program, the available resources during a normal rainfall year would be able to meet the demand needs even in the year 2050. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 9 24h July 2016 7. Water Networks CWA in the six operating zones distributes both treated surface water and chlorinated ground water. The water distribution sectorisation was implemented over time with about 256 District Metered Areas (DMAs) established for non-revenue water control. The information management in regard to flow and pressure measurement and leak detection was practiced up to about 2005 but later the NRW unit was disbanded and limited to just record keeping. It is understood that the integrity of the DMAs has been neglected but could be revived with relatively small investment. 7.1. Composition of Networks The details of water network infrastructure are abstracted below. Table 9 - Water Networks in CWA4 Operating Zone DMAs PE DI AC CI St GI PVC Total PORT LOUIS 43 95246 81313 196182 23628 0 5828 11620 413817 DWS NORTH 31 281043 210992 272520 45051 28850 23716 4600 866772 MAV UPPER 47 227774 135002 178173 71164 40709 23148 107 676077 MAV LOWER 50 191803 211259 203701 72199 13939 35412 34956 763269 DWS EAST 36 180856 119833 190295 27064 14570 6981 0 539599 DWS SOUTH 49 199387 147895 132696 23800 16911 1941 0 522630 Total 256 1176109 906294 1173567 262906 114979 97026 51283 3,782,164 It can be seen above that details on about 3,782km of network are available in the drawing office. Under the recent NRW reduction project undertaken by CWA in MAV Upper the survey for establishing a GIS system has identified 815km of mains up to 20mm size showing a variance of 20%. The drawing office has an established system of updating the asset data before a bill is paid for in the Planning & Development (P&D) division. However, in case of networks laid by private real estate developers (Morcellemonts), the power to issue no-objection certificates on the quality and performance of network works is with Operations Division and as such these privately developed networks are said to be not efficiently captured by the central database. In addition, the Operations Division also carries out pipe renewal programs of short lengths under maintenance, the details of which are not captured at all. The size wise distribution of existing networks is provided in Annexure 1. Applying 20% variance, the total networks would be in the range of about 4,500km. 4 Source: CWA Drawing Office Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 10 24h July 2016 Figure 8 – Network Composition It can be seen above that slightly more than half of the networks are Poly Ethylene (PE) and Ductile Iron (DI) pipes whereas Asbestos Cement (AC) pipes constitute about 31% and cast Iron (CI) pipes about 7%. The age of the networks is shown in the following table. Table 10 – Age distribution of networks5 Pipe Material Period of usage Average Age From To Years Asbestos Cement 1860 1980 96 Cast Iron 1880 1979 87 Steel 1900 1960 86 Galvanised Iron 1950 1979 52 PVC 1973 1979 40 Ductile Iron 1980 2016 18 Poly Ethylene 1988 2016 14 Below is an estimate of pipe material distribution to understand the pipe renewal requirements in each operating zone. 5 Source: Analysis of leaks and Repairs; NRW Unit, CWA PE, 1176109, 31% DI, 906294, 24% AC, 1173567, 31% CI, 262906, 7% St, 114979, 3% GI, 97026, 3% PVC, 51283, 1% Networks Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 11 24h July 2016 Figure 9 – Cast Iron Pipe Distribution Figure 10 – AC Pipe Distribution It can be seen above that MAV Upper and Lower constitute the maximum length of old cast iron pipes whereas about a third of AC pipes exists in these two operating zones. 7.2. Leak Repair Analysis Port Luis 9% DWS North 17% MAV Upper 27% MAV Lower 28% DWS East 10% DWS South 9% CI Pipe Distribution Port Luis 17% DWS North 23% MAV Upper 15% MAV Lower 18% DWS East 16% DWS South 11% AC Pipes Distribution Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 12 24h July 2016 The leak repair data is not very robust. The recent NRW project collected leak repair data for MAV Upper which is further analysed and shown below. Table 11 – Leak Repair Analysis in MAV Upper Zone Category of Leak AC CI GI DI PE Unknown Total Main Pipe Fittings 2 1 1 18 2 24 Main Pipe Joint 1 1 Main Pipe Crack 3 3 4 1 44 1 56 Service Saddle 5 4 4 51 1 65 Service Ferrule 12 5 1 2 24 44 Service Communication Pipe 1 2 6 233 12 254 Service Stop Cock 0 0 0 7 1 8 Total 24 15 16 3 377 17 452 Figure 11 – Leak Repair Analysis – Category of Leak It can be seen above that the Service Pipe repairs were about 56% followed by service saddle and ferrule together at 24% and the main pipe cracks are about 13%. Main Pipe Fittings 5% Main Pipe Joint 0% Main Pipe Crack 13% Service Saddle 14% Service Ferrule 10% Service Communication Pipe 56% Service Stop Cock 2% Leak Repair Analysis - Pipe Material Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 13 24h July 2016 Figure 12 – Leak Repair Analysis – Pipe Material This suggests that the vast majority of repairs were on the recently laid poly ethylene pipes. The team was informed that problems found related to poor workmanship or poor quality materials. In the absence of latest data, the leaks and bursts analysis carried out by the author for year 2003 is shown below. Figure 13 – Comparison of Bursts in year 2003 AC 5% CI 3% GI 4% DI 1% PE 83% Unknown 4% Leak Repair Analysis - Pipe Material PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS ALL Bursts/km 0.52 0.48 1.34 2.36 1.63 2.24 1.39 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Bursts/km Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 14 24h July 2016 Figure 14 – Comparison of Leaks in Year 2003 7.3. Continuity of Water Services Due to increasing physical NRW resulting in absence of active leakage control, pipe deterioration and inadequate hydraulics of the distribution network (lack of pressure management), CWA resorts to rationing primarily to limit the physical losses, especially in the dry season. CWA has a quarterly monitoring system of supply hours in each sub-zone and the data pertaining to December 2011 and up to December 2015 has been analysed and shown in the figure below. Figure 15 – Water Supply Hours Trend It can be seen above that Port Louis and DWS South have been showing significant improvement in percentage of customers with 24hour water supply whereas MAV Lower had been in further decline. PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS ALL Leaks /1000 connections 109 97 91 156 124 130 116 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 24 hour Water Supply - % of customers Port Louis DWS (North) DWS(East) DWS(South) MAV(Upper) MAV(Lower) Linear (Port Louis) Linear (DWS (North)) Linear (DWS(East)) Linear (DWS(South)) Linear (MAV(Upper)) Linear (MAV(Lower)) Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 15 24h July 2016 However, this data is based on oral reports of operations staff and has no practical method of measurement. 8. Commercial Services CWA has a customer services department with full electronic data processing although the systems are in desperate need of software (currently operating on Windows XP platform) and hardware upgrade. It is not however what one would expect from a true commercial department, more a billing department with little link with clients in practice as complaints relating to leaks and service are routed to the Operations division and customer services does not follow up on complaints and repairs. The commercial division is responsible for (i) meter reading, (ii) billing, (iii) bill delivery and (iv) managing CWA hotline of customer complaint management, but once the complaint has been forwarded to the Operations division the commercial division has no further involvement or follow up role. 8.1. Customer Categories CWA customers are divided into two global categories (i) Non-Treated Water and (ii) Potable water. The customers receiving non-treated water are further divided into some 10 sub-categories based on tariff charged such as irrigation, business, industry etc again depending upon surface or ground water. The potable water customers are further divided into 10 sub-categories such as domestic, commercial, industrial, religious trusts, agricultural etc. The number of customers at the end of year 2015 are shown in the following table. Table 12 – Customer Accounts in CWA Number of customer accounts Service Zone Non-Treated Potable Total Port Louis 42 49,186 49,228 DWS North 122 76,694 76,816 MAV Upper 78 68,920 68,998 MAV Lower 61 62,176 62,237 DWS East 16 43,780 43,796 DWS South 56 52,172 52,228 Total 375 352,928 353,303 8.2. Customer Meters CWA has in theory 100% metering of customers although about 60,000 meters are not working currently and the number keeps rising due to limitation in procurement of good quality meters. It is unknown how many meters are functioning but inaccurate. Meter reading is done and recorded manually monthly by 106 meter readers who report to the commercial manager with very little accountability to the field operations teams. Monthly billing is done at central office where the manual readings are then manually entered into the database. Bills are physically distributed to all field offices for delivery to customers. Revenue collection is done through ?? number of field customer service centers. 8,000 new connections are sanctioned on an average per year. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 16 24h July 2016 Due to qualification criteria for meter readers and also trade union pressure, there is significant lack of professional skills in the commercial division and it is compounded with limitation of vehicular transport due to shortage of vehicles. Despite these limitations the current revenue collection efficiency is reported by the commercial division to be around 99% with no significant customer debt problems. 8.3. Customer Complaints CWA's hotline part of commercial services has been outsourced under a performance based ervice contract (with Mauritius Telecom??). CWA hotline received an average of about 141,000 complaints per annum in the period during 2012 -15 with an average 24,000 complaints per each operating zone. Analysis of complaints is shown below. Table 13 – CWA Complaints Analysis Category 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average No Water 40% 38% 41% 36% 39% Insufficient Hours of Supply 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% Broken Mains 3% 3% 3% 2% 3% Broken Communication Pipes 20% 19% 13% 13% 16% Leakage 5% 4% 7% 12% 7% Meter Connection Leakage 3% 3% 2% 3% 3% Meter Reading 6% 7% 7% 6% 6% Excessive Bills 3% 4% 5% 5% 4% Others less than 2% 18% 18% 19% 20% 19% Inferences: i. Highest number of complaints about 39% were for 'no water'; in addition, the in-sufficient hours of supply account for 4%. ii. About 29% pertain to physical leakage with 16% on broken communication pipes. This suggest both a high frequency of visible leaks (35,000 call per year or about a hundred per day) and that the population seems fairly involved iii. Meter reading and excessive billing accounted for about 10% together The majority of complaints related to service performance and would have been forwarded to the Operations division for resolution, with no follow up by the hotline. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 17 24h July 2016 9. Water Sales For the purpose of analysing the water sales and performance efficiency, the production and sales data pertaining to potable water supplies is presented below. Table 14 – Water Sales Summary CWA Potable Water Business Analysis 2012 Code Customers Production Sales Difference NRW % L/Conn/ day Cum/conn /month PL S11 47231 417,32,087 16931135 248,00,952 59% 1,435 29.9 DWSN S12 71322 431,44,134 21732616 214,11,518 50% 820 25.4 MAVU S21 65404 341,59,800 16473722 176,86,078 52% 739 21.0 MAVL S22 59279 380,58,902 16387676 216,71,226 57% 999 23.0 DWSE S31 41223 315,60,922 11817331 197,43,591 63% 1,309 23.9 DWSS S32 49045 310,95,679 14839524 162,56,155 52% 906 25.2 Total 3,33,504 2197,51,524 98182004 121569520 55% 996 24.5 2013 PL S11 48123 398,11,997 16533666 232,78,331 58% 1,322 28.6 DWSN S12 73435 427,06,683 20743333 219,63,350 51% 817 23.5 MAVU S21 66762 392,29,779 16746246 224,83,533 57% 920 20.9 MAVL S22 60647 409,17,484 16462956 244,54,528 60% 1,102 22.6 DWSE S31 42157 278,63,279 11666958 161,96,321 58% 1,050 23.1 DWSS S32 50491 288,61,275 13655352 152,05,923 53% 823 22.5 Total 3,41,615 2193,90,497 95808511 123581986 56% 988 23.4 2014 PL S11 48658 398,62,295 16379984 234,82,311 59% 1,319 28.1 DWSN S12 75015 452,75,345 21222003 240,53,342 53% 876 23.6 MAVU S21 67940 386,76,974 17193498 214,83,476 56% 864 21.1 MAVL S22 61325 417,52,131 16312743 254,39,388 61% 1,133 22.2 DWSE S31 42941 298,81,993 11885710 179,96,283 60% 1,145 23.1 DWSS S32 51512 350,42,819 13753747 212,89,072 61% 1,129 22.3 Total 3,47,391 2304,91,557 96747685 133743872 58% 1,052 23.2 2015 PL S11 49186 399,77,721 16571385 234,06,336 59% 1,300 28.1 DWSN S12 76694 469,01,539 21439294 254,62,245 54% 907 23.3 MAVU S21 68920 394,95,918 17939918 215,56,000 55% 855 21.7 MAVL S22 62176 445,36,759 16215926 283,20,833 64% 1,245 21.7 DWSE S31 43780 352,96,325 11894024 234,02,301 66% 1,461 22.6 DWSS S32 52172 391,99,946 13901669 252,98,277 65% 1,325 22.2 Total 3,52,928 2454,08,208 97962216 147445992 60% 1,141 23.1 9.1. Business growth trend The four-year business growth trend is analysed and shown below. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 18 24h July 2016 Figure 16 – CWA Business Growth Tend Note: Production is in cum/annum; Sales is cum/annum and Customers are number It can be seen above that while customers are growing by about 1.5% to 2% per annum, the production increased over 5% and sales remained stagnant indicating an overall increase in Non-Revenue Water (NRW). 9.2. Comparison of production and sales trend An attempt is made to compare the production and sales growth and is shown in the figures below. Figure 17 – Production Trend Figure 18 – Sales Trend 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2012 2013 2014 2015 Thousands Millions CWA Business Growth - million cum/annum Production Sales Customers 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Millions Water production million cum/annum 2012 2013 2014 2015 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 19 24h July 2016 9.3. Consumption Analysis The trend of consumption in different operating zones in presented below. Figure 19 – Consumption Trend Inferences: i. Average consumption per connection per month is highest in Port Louis zone since the number of customers served per connection is highest in the urbanized capital city. ii. The aberration of high consumption during November 2012 could be due to delay in billing resulting in a spike iii. Despite the erratic intermittent water supply with least supply hours when compared to other zones, the consumption is not very different meaning the customers do get water they need and - 5 10 15 20 25 PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Millions CWA Sales in million cum/annum 2012 2013 2014 2015 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 Average consumption in cum per connection per month PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS CWA Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 20 24h July 2016 possibly make coping arrangements through private storage. It may also possibly due to the effect of air in the pipelines, entrapped during rationing, resulting in over reading of meters. iv. DWS South being relatively less populated and also less economically prosperous has slightly lower consumption level. v. The stable consumption pattern indicates that the demand satisfaction level would be almost asymptotic with less possibility of any future increase in consumption. vi. This analysis does not take into account the customer meter errors but considering the principle of averages it may not substantially affect the future consumption levels. 9.4. Customer Analysis in Different Consumption Range Based on monthly consumption range, customer accounts are analysed and shown below. Table 15 – Distribution of Customers as per monthly consumption range Volume Range PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Total % 0 - 6 8550 14817 12122 11829 7617 8555 63490 18% 6.1 - 10 8591 12255 9542 12508 5640 7253 55789 16% 10.1 - 15 8978 14545 12647 11520 8044 8985 64719 18% 16.1 - 20 7457 11822 11598 9029 7152 8576 55634 16% 21.1 - 25 4218 6246 6554 4763 4149 4961 30891 9% 25.1 - 30 3464 5368 5477 3831 3721 4509 26370 7% 30.1 - 35 2112 3221 3356 2276 2221 2806 15992 5% 35.1 - 40 1340 2030 1951 1438 1367 1782 9908 3% 40.1 - 50 1355 2022 1903 1495 1390 1704 9869 3% Above 50 3168 4549 3871 3566 2509 3126 20789 6% Grand Total 49233 76875 69021 62255 43810 52257 353451 100% The category wise analysis is shown below. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 21 24h July 2016 Table 16 – Distribution of customers - Domestic Domestic Volume Range Pl DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Total % 0 - 6 7555 13209 10514 10776 6605 7595 56254 17% 6.1 - 10 8059 11733 9020 11986 5305 6849 52952 16% 10.1 - 15 8585 13954 12141 11050 7741 8588 62059 19% 16.1 - 20 7142 11398 11177 8710 6933 8194 53554 16% 21.1 - 25 4039 6029 6330 4592 4005 4745 29740 9% 25.1 - 30 3301 5140 5232 3651 3568 4311 25203 8% 30.1 - 35 1973 3049 3179 2142 2112 2640 15095 5% 35.1 - 40 1229 1916 1801 1328 1287 1680 9241 3% 40.1 - 50 1189 1835 1720 1353 1295 1561 8953 3% Above 50 2096 3451 2989 2719 2057 2518 15830 5% Grand Total 45168 71714 64103 58307 40908 48681 328881 100% Table 17 – Distribution of Customers - Commercial Commercial Volume Range Pl DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Total % 0 - 6 743 613 942 747 439 429 3913 28% 6.1 - 10 429 271 345 372 177 218 1812 13% 10.1 - 15 307 306 340 356 169 271 1749 13% 16.1 - 20 242 181 274 232 139 278 1346 10% 21.1 - 25 127 115 157 120 86 155 760 5% 25.1 - 30 117 105 164 123 97 139 745 5% 30.1 - 35 99 86 110 95 72 115 577 4% 35.1 - 40 64 43 83 67 42 62 361 3% 40.1 - 50 102 73 101 85 46 84 491 4% Above 50 549 379 373 388 143 235 2067 15% Grand Total 2779 2172 2889 2585 1410 1986 13821 100% Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 22 24h July 2016 Table 18 – Distribution of Customers - Hotels, Casino, Service Stations Hotels, Casino, Service Stations Volume Range Pl DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Total % 0 - 6 32 52 29 31 21 33 198 12% 6.1 - 10 10 20 8 15 14 20 87 5% 10.1 - 15 16 24 18 14 7 10 89 6% 16.1 - 20 14 14 12 11 8 6 65 4% 21.1 - 25 10 18 5 5 3 11 52 3% 25.1 - 30 8 22 11 7 7 8 63 4% 30.1 - 35 8 16 7 8 10 7 56 3% 35.1 - 40 12 17 5 4 4 7 49 3% 40.1 - 50 20 30 9 9 9 9 86 5% Above 50 205 284 99 119 70 82 859 54% Grand Total 335 497 203 223 153 193 1604 100% Table 19 – Distribution of Customers - Government and Charity Institutions Government, Charity and Stand pipes Volume Range Pl DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Total % 0 - 6 186 369 314 150 277 346 1642 36% 10.1 - 15 65 74 55 74 55 62 385 8% 16.1 - 20 53 57 40 35 32 58 275 6% 21.1 - 25 38 20 32 28 27 25 170 4% 25.1 - 30 35 27 19 27 15 27 150 3% 30.1 - 35 28 22 23 14 9 21 117 3% 35.1 - 40 32 14 25 22 12 13 118 3% 40.1 - 50 38 30 30 24 14 30 166 4% 6.1 - 10 88 125 77 82 77 116 565 12% Above 50 243 162 172 194 94 130 995 22% Grand Total 806 900 787 650 612 828 4583 100% Table 20 – Distribution of Customers – Non-Potable Others Non- Potable Volume Range Pl DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Total % 0 - 6 19 39 22 19 15 114 30% 6.1 - 10 1 3 2 1 1 8 2% 10.1 - 15 1 2 3 1% 16.1 - 20 1 2 3 1% 25.1 - 30 1 1 1 2 5 1% 30.1 - 35 1 1 0% 35.1 - 40 1 1 2 1% 40.1 - 50 1 1 1 1 4 1% Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 23 24h July 2016 Above 50 22 71 50 37 16 41 237 63% Grand Total 44 119 78 61 16 59 377 100% Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 24 24h July 2016 9.5. Bulk Customer Unit Out of the customers receiving potable water, some 2,500 customers are high revenue or high consumption customers accounting for a sales volume of about 29% contributing about 35% of revenue who are serviced through a dedicated Bulk Customer Unit (BCU) from the CWA central office. The tasks of meter reading, billing and customer complaints redressal is managed by the BCU. The customers and sales details of BCU are shown in below. Table 21 – Customer and sales data for Bulk Customer Unit 2012 Connections Volume Water Charges PL 582 5930382 107003453 DWSN 756 7666389 126856749 MAVU 395 1979316 36631353 MAVL 380 3779511 65179297 DWSE 169 2185763 59011505 DWSS 209 6913293 55268536 Total 2491 28454654 449950893 2013 PL 584 58,91,425 1084,97,016 DWSN 737 74,96,537 1338,30,839 MAVU 403 20,85,030 404,07,752 MAVL 391 36,83,466 719,27,541 DWSE 172 22,31,192 592,91,156 DWSS 215 69,46,883 543,27,662 Total 2502 28334533 468281966 2014 PL 579 5731029 108216390 DWSN 722 7863322 141222479 MAVU 412 2247137 42624805 MAVL 401 3743772 69376195 DWSE 172 2257540 58702973 DWSS 221 6220292 53448446 Total 2507 28063092 473591288 2015 PL 543 4962407 106024459 DWSN 648 5910407 139110116 MAVU 391 1693063 35145312 MAVL 394 3105935 63908767 DWSE 161 1959572 58526059 DWSS 208 4688409 45431426 Total 2345 22319793 448146139 The sales trend of BCU unit is further analysed and shown in the following chart. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 25 24h July 2016 Figure 20 – BCU Sales Trend It can be seen above that there had been significant reduction in BCU sales volume. Even in the drought year of 2013 the BCU sales remained constant but the drop had been significant from the year 2014 and even higher during 2015. CWA anti-fraud unit had been made active in the recent months and had been discovering large customers tampering the meters and is said to be proceeding with legal action. An analysis of consumption and revenue realization is presented in the table below. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Millions BCU Sales in million cum/annum 2012 2013 2014 2015 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 26 24h July 2016 Table 22 – Consumption and revenue realization analysis Consumption/Conn/month Revenue/conn/month Average realisation/cum Zone Including BCU Excluding BCU Only BCU Including BCU Excluding BCU Only BCU Including BCU Excluding BCU Only BCU 2012 PL 29.87 19.65 849 419 234 15321 14.04 11.89 18.04 DWSN 25.39 16.61 845 342 196 13983 13.48 11.81 16.55 MAVU 20.99 18.58 418 242 197 7728 11.54 10.59 18.51 MAVL 23.04 17.84 829 298 208 14294 12.94 11.64 17.25 DWSE 23.89 19.55 1,078 328 210 29098 13.73 10.72 27 DWSS 25.21 13.53 2,756 297 204 22037 11.79 15.1 7.99 CWA 24.53 17.55 952 317 206 15053 12.94 11.76 15.81 2013 PL 28.63 18.58 841 408 222 15482 14.27 11.97 18.42 DWSN 23.54 15.07 848 334 183 15132 14.21 12.14 17.85 MAVU 20.9 18.36 431 249 199 8356 11.89 10.82 19.38 MAVL 22.62 18.32 785 307 217 15330 13.55 11.83 19.53 DWSE 23.06 18.65 1,081 318 200 28726 13.77 10.74 26.57 DWSS 22.54 11.20 2,693 286 199 21057 12.69 17.74 7.82 CWA 23.37 16.46 944 314 200 15597 13.43 12.13 16.53 2014 PL 28.05 18.32 825 402 218 15575 14.34 11.89 18.88 DWSN 23.58 15.35 908 338 187 16300 14.33 12.19 17.96 MAVU 21.09 18.33 455 253 200 8622 11.99 10.94 18.97 MAVL 22.17 17.08 778 295 201 14417 13.32 11.77 18.53 DWSE 23.07 18.92 1,094 316 204 28441 13.68 10.8 26 DWSS 22.25 12.34 2,346 281 198 20154 12.65 16 8.59 CWA 23.21 16.49 933 312 198 15742 13.43 12.02 16.88 2015 PL 28.08 19.67 762 404 224 16271 14.39 11.4 21.37 DWSN 23.3 16.87 760 332 181 17890 14.27 10.75 23.54 MAVU 21.69 19.64 361 258 215 7490 11.88 10.96 20.76 MAVL 21.73 17.57 657 286 200 13517 13.16 11.4 20.58 DWSE 22.64 18.91 1,014 312 200 30293 13.77 10.59 29.87 DWSS 22.2 14.72 1,878 280 208 18202 12.62 14.11 9.69 CWA 23.13 17.86 793 309 204 15926 13.37 11.4 20.08 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 27 24h July 2016 10. Non-Revenue Water An analysis of NRW in each operating zone is shown below. Figure 21 – NRW Trend in CWA It can be seen above that despite several attempts to contain NRW, it had been increasing year on year in percentage terms in the entire CWA operation area. In the case of Port Louis zone the NRW had been stable attributable to the concentrated urban area with higher density of customers per unit length of network. At the same time, the NRW level in percentage terms has been on a downward trend in case of MAV Upper (the pilot PUB zone) since the year 2012 but still remains high. The overall NRW increasing trend when correlated with the increasing trend in number of customers with 24x7 water services (See Figure 7) also indicates that it is the physical loss or leakage in the system which is contributing to the NRW. As the general percentage NRW level would not be sufficient to benchmark each operating zone, an attempt is made to project the same on a continuous pressurized supply (24x7) scenario as well as to compare in different performance indicators as shown below. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS CWA NRW in % 2012 2013 2014 2015 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 28 24h July 2016 Table 23 – NRW Performance Indicators Operating zone NRW % NRW 24x7 L/conn/day L/meter/day PL 59% 65% 1,300 143 DWSN 54% 63% 907 74 MAVU 55% 62% 855 101 MAVL 64% 79% 1,245 117 DWSE 66% 71% 1,461 78 DWSS 65% 67% 1,325 81 Total 60% 69% 1,141 93 Notes: NRW % - NRW level in percentage terms; NRW 24x7 – Projected NRW if the network is charged for 24hour supply; L/conn/day – Litres per connection per day; L/meters/day is the NRW in litres per meter length of network per day Figure 22 – NRW Indicators Inferences: i. MAV Lower is the zone requiring immediate attention and relatively high investments in pipe renewal as the prevailing intermittent water supply is rapidly degenerating the networks. The current production is totally dependent on ground water meaning several smaller network zones. CWA has proposed to augment the resources from Bagatelle dam on its completion. Moving from disaggregated networks to more centralized supply system would tend to increase the physical losses further until checked and repaired on a rapid response regime. ii. MAV upper is the most favourable zone for quick conversion into 24x7 services 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% PL DWSN MAVU MAVL DWSE DWSS Comparison of NRW Indicators 2015 NRW % NRW 24x7 L/conn/day Litres/meter/day Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 29 24h July 2016 iii. The high level of losses in litres/connection/day in Port Louis is also related to very old existing networks and also CWA's limit in timely repairs in the capital city high traffic operating environment. It could also be due to high commercial losses from meter errors as the general consumption per connection is higher due to higher number of customers per connection. iv. DWS East has highest losses in litres/connection/day and lowest in terms of litres/meter network length per day. This contradiction indicates that the commercial losses in the zone may be relatively high and also leakage on services pipes could also be high when compared to other zones. v. The projected losses in 24x7 service is lowest in MAV Upper indicating the continuous trend of reduction in losses in the zone including the recent intense efforts of NRW project implemented on partnership with PUB, Singapore, albeit that the improvements are modest compared to the resources spent during the partnership. 11. Review of NRW Project CWA established about 256 DMAs with flow and pressure management instrumentation commencing in MAU Upper the in the year 1995 as a pilot and then expanded in the entire island in 2001. There had been earlier (Year 2003-4) attempts with Severn Trent Water International funded by European Investment Bank to develop a strategy and action plan. After receiving strategic recommendations, CWA in the year 2005, decided to disband its internal NRW control unit by limiting the unit's activities to information management. Under this background Government of Mauritius invited the Singapore Government to provide the services of Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) for reducing NRW in CWA. MAV Upper zone was chosen and the project was implemented from July 2013 and up to June 2015 and further continued by CWA through internal resources. The project has undertaken following activities. Objective 1: Reduce NRW and improve water network efficiency through active leakage control and effective asset renewal i. Establish baseline, targets and leakage reduction strategy ii. Identify mains and communication pipes with the high failure rates and develop a justified asset renewal program optimised in line with the budget. iii. Manage implementation of pipe infrastructure renewal / modification works with contractors appointed by the Mauritius Government iv. Mobilise and manage field investigation contractors to carry out active leakage control & Leak Detection and Repair v. Implement pressure management schemes if supply conditions allow vi. Customer Meter Replacement Program Objective 2: Improve water network management / monitoring of the system i. Calibrate / replace bulk meters ii. Re-establish the existing DMAs in the Upper MAV System Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 30 24h July 2016 iii. Establish effective and intelligent monitoring and management of the water distribution system - data logging at key locations in the system iv. Establish good DMA and defects data management v. Establish a working GIS system vi. Establish a hydraulic network model Objective 3: To affect knowledge transfer to CWA to enable sustainable water network management i. Carry out required on-the-job NRW Management training of the CWA staff ii. Develop best practice procedures to support NRW Management including data analysis, GIS/modelling, active leakage control, material /equipment selection, engineering and contract documents, procurement and construction management. The project scope comprises of following. Table 24 – NRW Project Scope Scope Unit Value (US$) Number of DMAs Number 48 Network length Km 815 Number of DMAs with pipe renewal Number 17 Network replacement length Km 80 Connections Number 69069 Customer meters replaced Number 15828 The project financials are as follows. Table 25- NRW Project Financials as on 29th February 2016 NRW Project Expenditure Budgeted Expenditure Budgeted Expenditure MRU MRU US$ US$ Staff Cost 38191129 1091175 Consultancy Services 108188752 75218107 3091107 2149089 Other Supply & Works Contracts 6448236 184235 Tools & Equipment & IT Software 30178542 862244 Subtotal for DMA rehabilitation 150036014 4286743 Major Pipe laying Contracts 542361101 249083235 15496031 7116664 Some of the key lessons learnt were: i. Problems of workmanship with HDPE mains. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 31 24h July 2016 ii. HDPE to replace LDPE for house connections pipes iii. Pipe replacements program to be maintained and prioritized for the coming 3-4 years with a view to reduce NRW iv. New strategy for systematic replacement of ageing meters to be implemented v. Close liaison between NRW & Operations essential to maintain integrity of DMA's vi. Written down procedures to develop and maintain best practices Key observations on the physical achievements reported are as follows. a. 59% initial estimation of NRW was later reduced to 56% as the CWA existing bulk flow meters (mostly Voltman type mechanical) were apparently showing more flows with positive error and hence the production volume was to be readjusted by the NRW team b. Existing 47 DMAs were rehabilitated into 48 DMAs but NRW activities were implemented in 17 DMAs only due to shortage of resources and limitations of procurement restrictions c. Out of 815km pipe network, about 80km were replaced with 25m per day output per one construction management team including night working. d. NRW project accounts 69,069 connections up to end of February 2016 as against the 68,920 as per commercial services billing record at the end of December 2015 indicating that there had been limited effort to identify un-authorised connections. e. 15,828 dysfunctional customer meters amounting to 23% were replaced. On replacement it was observed that there was about 18% increase in sales volume for the meters that were changed. However, this cannot necessarily be fully attributed to higher accuracy of new meters as the analysis is also affected by generally increased water consumption during dry season. Further CWA has a practice of average billing (to be checked on number of months) and assuming two months average prior to meter's dysfunction the consumption would surely be about 15% less as the meter stops after running slow over at least a year. f. Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) have been procured to be installed in one sub-zone to reduce leakage (author has noted that CWA had already installed 2 PRVs which were dysfunctional due to lack of maintenance). g. 1,507 leaks were repaired during the CSE tenure followed by 670 leaks repaired by CWA internal team h. 13l/s minimum night flow (MNF) was observed when induced with 24x7 services which is generally in high range i. The project proponents have initially targeted to reduce the level of NRW from 59% to about 44% during the project tenure and to be further reduced to 25%. On commencing the project j. At the end of year 2015 the NRW level was 55% as against the adjusted baseline of 56% resulting in slightly more than 1% reduction. k. The team has analysed the effect of replacement of about 10,000 customer meters which has shown 18% increase in consumption when compared to the month of March and August (Please see figure 16 below). Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 32 24h July 2016 Figure 23 – Analysis of consumption from 10000 connections with replaced meters l. Normally a dysfunctional meter is billed based on average consumption the six billing months immediately preceding the month to be billed. m. However, this fact requires further analysis as in all the zones in the past four years the consumption keeps increasing during dry season which starts from April and goes up to October (please see Figure 8 – Consumption analysis) n. Another key lesson is the decision to switch over from HDPE pipes to DI pipes based on the pipe replacement position paper6. i. The position paper relies on the concern of bad workmanship on HDPE pipe laying and jointing and recommended usage of DI pipes also attributable to the fact that PUB has very low usage of PE pipes due to very high pressures and larger size connections. ii. In the same paper the authors quote UKWIR and AWWA recommendations on PE pipes having lowest leakage levels when compared to other pipes (pl see Figure 12 below) iii. The migration to DI pipes is also due to apparently the same cost of both PE and DI in the island. Surprising the PE pipe is locally made and DI is imported but PE fittings are to be imported into the island nullifying the advantage of locally made pipes. iv. Considering the small island economy and creation of jobs, it might be necessary to review this decision as the pipe material cannot be blamed for deficient quality control and supervision by the concerned staff. 6 Upper MAV NRW reduction project – Position Paper for Pipe Replacement Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 33 24h July 2016 o. One significant weakness of the project implementation is the institutional arrangement that the NRW unit was to directly report to the General Manager instead of head of operations. This has led to typical hands-off approach from the operations managers, compromising the accountability. NRW control has to be a continuous focused program of the operations team of a water utility for internalizing and sustaining the improvement achieved. Figure 24 – Extract from NRW Report on Pipe Failure 12. Review of Planning and Development Activities 12.1. Planning and Development (P&D) Division P&D Division is a weak division within CWA. It spends about MRU 400m investments per year with no strategic plan. Although it had a Master Plan prepared (Arcus GIBB), the result was of questionable quality. The Chief Engineer is retiring in a year and the Principal Engineers have an average of 15 years experience and the Executive Engineers are almost fresh graduates with very little training. There is therefore a significant need to strengthen capacity in this area. Project implementation is painstakingly slow despite outsourcing most of design and construction supervision activities. The average duration time for a procurement of pipe network is about 9 months. The average cost of outsourcing to local engineering consulting firms is about 6% with about half split between design and supervision charges. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 34 24h July 2016 Pailles WTP rehabilitation undertaken by a local contractor group has been badly delayed with the concrete walls leaking and sweating and ended up in litigation. CWA blames the consultant (GIBB) for poor construction supervision and delays. The proposed new WTW at Bagatelle dam is subject to a legal challenge of procurement decision in local courts with no clear date for resolution. Qualification criteria for procurement seems to be set to support local suppliers with a high level of mis-procurement and legal challenges. Quality assurance is almost absent resulting in low quality products and workmanship. In one pipes and fittings contract, the fittings did not fit due to quality control issues but the P&D had stipulated in the tender that that pipes and fittings should be of same brand and manufactured in the same factory. Most pipe manufacturers in the world do not make fittings and either supply them as bought out items or outsource them from fittings manufacturers under their brand, so making this stipulation hard to meet. This stipulation has created a near monopoly situation, with one local trading agency supplying a single brand pipes and fittings. In the recent NRW project, this stipulation was not followed by the SCE Project Manager and the team accepted pipes and fittings from manufacturers which are not permitted by P&D Division and the NRW team could complete the pipe replacement in much shorter time frame. 12.2. CWA Capital Projects Implemented between 2006 – 15 Table 26 – Capital Projects Implemented during 2006 - 15 Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capital Cost in MRU WTW expansion 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 WTW Rehabilitation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 735 735 Expansion of storage 0 0 0 24 117 0 0 0 0 0 141 Inter zonal transfer 0 125 0 0 22.1 75 0 0 0 71.9 294 Network expansion 158.32 165.2 242.8 140 101.1 126.4 539 0 188.9 107.1 1768.82 Network pipe renewal7 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 281.3 48.8 179.3 619.4 Office buildings 0 0 0 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 143 Total Cost in MRU 158.32 290.2 242.8 338 240.2 201.4 649 281.3 237.7 1093.3 3732.22 Total Cost in US$ 4.52 8.29 6.94 9.66 6.86 5.75 18.5 8.04 6.79 31.24 106.63 12.3. CWA Ongoing Improvements 7 Network Pipe Renewal details during the years 2006 – 11 is not known and possibly included in network expansion costs. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 35 24h July 2016 As at the end of March 2016, CWA is implementing the following capital projects for service improvements. Table 27 – CWA ongoing capital projects Sl.No Contract No. Funded by Contract Name Contract Value (in Million) MRU US$ 1 CWA/C2013/104 100% CWA Replacement of Pipeline from Cap Malheureux to Saint Francois 45 1.29 2 CWA/C2012/72 100% CWA Water Supply to SSRN Hospital and associated works 27.7 0.79 3 CWA/C2013/88 100% BMF Renewal of Pumping Main from Alma to Alma Hill Reservoir 33 0.94 4 CWA/C2013/27 GOM loan Upgrading of Pailles Water Treatment Plant 631 18.03 5 CWA/C2012/15 GOM loan Construction of Pipeline from Bagatelle Water Treatment Plant of Soreze 228 6.51 6 CWA/C2013/04 100% CWA Water Supply of South Western Coast - Phase I; Trois Mamelles to Bon Asile and Cae Noyale to Coteau Raffin 66 1.89 7 CWA/C2014/17, 20,30,32 50% BMF 50% CWA Non-Revenue Water Project in Upper Mare aux Vacoas System 1,000 28.57 8 CWA/C2013/101 100% CWA Rehabilitation of Sedimentation Tank at La Marie Treatment Plant 42.4 1.21 9 CWA/C2014/84 100% CWA Renewal of Service Main at Ferney and Morcelement Ferney 75 2.14 10 CWA/C2013/47 100% CWA New Pipeline from Melrose Reservoir to Montagne Blanche (Le Chaillet) 38 1.09 11 CWA/C2013/11 100% CWA Pipeline from Poste de Flacq to Poste Le Fayette 28.2 0.81 Total 2214.3 63.27 In addition to the above, CWA through the Wastewater Management Authority (WMA) was also mandated to undertake pipe renewal programs in areas where sewerage projects are being implemented. This decision was apparently to avoid repeated road restoration requirements and also based on requirement of shifting of existing CWA water networks. WMA had been implementing some four contracts (Plaines Wilhems Sewerage Project) on behalf of CWA, mostly located in MAV Lower Operating Zone for replacing 110km of CWA existing networks. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 36 24h July 2016 Table 28 – WMA Contracts for Replacement of CWA Networks Sl.No Contract No. Location Network Length in Km 1 Lot 1A – WW80F West Rose Hill, South West and Central Quatre Bornes 50 2 Lot 1B – WW99F Rose Hill, Beau Bassin, Roches Brunes, Plaisance and Mont Roches 10 3. Lot 2 – WW81F Quatre Bornes, Sodnac, Belle Rose 50 Total 110 The above contracts have estimated and provided for110 km replacement but during implementation, CWA identified that a total of 150km needed to be replaced and the contract variations are still in preparation. The above contracts were entrusted to WMA in the years 2007-9 and are yet to be completed. While WMA completed most of the pipe laying, moving connections linked to the new networks is still in progress due to poor coordination between the local CWA operations units and WMA. Now that some of pipes laid are already 8-years old with no commissioning in sight it would lead to risk of poor performance of the assets even before handover to CWA. The above issue is one of the reasons for the MAV Lower Zone which is very densely populated continues to struggle with erratic intermittent water supply. In all the above ongoing works of pipe replacement with shifting of connections, CWA does not replace the customer meter. Even though it is stated that as long as the customer meter is functioning at the time of shifting of connections there is no need of replacement but the actual reason could be that the meter replacement is the responsibility of commercial division while shifting of connections is the responsibility of operation division. 12.4. CWA Proposed Investments GoM, recognizing the decline in water supply service levels both due to CWA's organizational performance and lack of required investment in asset management has launched an ambitious program funded under the "Build Mauritius Fund" (BMF) with the source of revenue from a cess on fuel. Under the 'Build Mauritius Fund', GoM has in Budget 2015, earmarked an outlay of MRU.3.6billion ($103million) for implementation of some priority water sector projects. These include replacement of old and inefficient pipelines in strategic locations (blackspot areas) including shifting of connections, increasing storage capacity by construction of new service reservoirs and construction of new and upgrading of existing water treatment plants. The basis for prioritization and selection of these projects is not clear with different perspectives provided by different divisions of CWA. The timeframe proposed by CWA for implementation of Phase 1 projects with an outlay of MRU 5.5billion ($157million which includes MRU 3.6billion already budgeted in FY 2015) is 2016-2018. In the second phase ie 2018-20 it is proposed to implement pipe renewal works at an outlay of MRU5.3billion ($151million). The proposed projects are listed in Annexure 2A and 2B. No resource plan has been identified and no project implementation for these projects has been developed. The P&D division had been struggling to appoint consultants for about a year. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 37 24h July 2016 The capacity of current CWA staff (P&D) is is said to be about MRU400million (per year and the SCE Project Manager could deliver MRU600million ($17million) in two years under the NRW project. It indicates that an outsourced capital works manager can deliver about MRU300million ($8.5million) per year and hence the proposed program would require at least five additional project managers. Another significant limitation is the capacity of local contractors which require substantial improvement through partnership with overseas contracting firms specialized in water supply pipe line works especially with trench-less technologies to meet the requirements of the Road Development Authority. CWA had tried to recruit three project managers from the local market but could not find suitable candidates. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 38 24h July 2016 13. CWA Financials CWA operating expenditure is abstracted below. Table 29 – CWA Operating Expenditure The breakup of category of Opex for the year 2015 is shown below. Year/Category Admin Commercial Operating Zones WRSS Services Total 2012 Salaries & Wages 398.77 - - - 399 Administrative Expenses 81.74 0 25 3 110 Maintenance Expenses 86.83 1 44 12 144 Power 125.35 - 79 0 205 Chemicals 11.72 0 0 13 26 Others 2.36 - 0 0 3 Total 706.77 2 149 29 887 2013 - - - - - Salaries & Wages 541.72 - - - 542 Administrative Expenses 75.60 1 57 13 147 Maintenance Expenses 17.55 4 123 45 190 Power 4.10 0 190 1 196 Chemicals 0.24 0 2 25 27 Others 2.40 0 3 - 5 Total 641.61 5 375 85 1,106 2014 - - - - - Salaries & Wages 543.71 - - - 544 Administrative Expenses 287.48 1 88 34 411 Maintenance Expenses 8.16 4 107 20 139 Power 3.47 0 218 2 223 Chemicals 0.59 0 7 19 26 Others 2.17 - 1 -7 -4 Total 845.57 5 421 68 1,339 2015 - - - - - Salaries & Wages 486.06 - - - 486 Administrative Expenses 29.59 2 107 35 174 Maintenance Expenses 12.63 5 43 17 78 Power 2.48 0 240 5 247 Chemicals 2.88 0 6 16 25 Others 1.32 - 4 0 5 Total 534.96 8 400 73 1,016 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 39 24h July 2016 Figure 25 – CWA Operating Expenditure 2015 Observations: i. Salaries & Wages do not include Planning & Development Division which are capitalized. ii. With power costs at 24% there is a potential for savings of up to 10% from non-revenue water management. For instance, the local operations staff under pressure due to intermittent water supply often resort to pumping from stand by pumps and stand by bore-holes assuming additional discharge. The amount of additional discharge of water (ie physical losses) from such parallel pumping would be about 20% due to increase in friction losses in the system and pumps operating at a far lower than the designed operating point. iii. Chemicals at 2% also has some potential for savings as in most of the water treatment plants the chemical dosing is very adhoc and not based on recommendation of scientific services resulting in excessive chemical dosing or wrong choice of chemicals. However, due to the dependence on imports this may have cost variations depending upon the global economic situation and maritime regulations 13.1. CWA Tariffs and Income 13.2. CWA has increasing block structure tariff regime Salaries & Wages, 486 , 48% Administrative Expenses, 174 , 17% Maintenance Expenses, 78 , 8% Power , 247 , 24% Chemicals, 25 , 2% Others, 5 , 1% CWA Operating Expenditure 2015 - MRU Million Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 40 24h July 2016 CWA charges volumetric tariff on increasing block structure tariff regime where the higher the consumption, the higher the unit rate per cubic meter. The current applicable tariff is provided in Appendix 1 as part of Data Volume A. GOM had in the year 2015 declared free water up to 6kl and later amended the same to apply only to consumers consuming a total up to that level, and not applying to consumers who consume more than that. The free water has only been made available since [March] 2016. As per analysis of the billing data (Table 16, Page 21) there were about 56254 customer accounts billed for a consumption range between 0 – 6kl. CWA is to be made whole by GoM for any shortfall as a result of the free water but CWA will need to monitor consumption carefully to ensure that consumers are not incorrectly being counted as below the 6kl threshold. 14. CWA Organisation CWA Organisation chart is provided at Annexure 3. The management structure is shown below. Figure 26 – CWA Management Structure Table 30 - Retirements up to Year 2020 Detail Number Approved posts as at 2016 1357 Employees Working 1007 Vacancies 350 Retirements 2016 17 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 41 24h July 2016 2017 11 2018 25 2019 23 2020 47 It can be seen in the table above, that CWA's staff strength was 1007 for about 353000 connections at the time of study and it translates to 2.85 staff per 1000 connections. While this staff ratio is healthy for a well-functioning water utility but the CWA is currently on a downward spiral with deteriorating service levels and is in desperate need of rapid investments to put back into a reform path. Considering the short term (at least for next five years of investment timeframe) requirement of skills in project management, contract management, commercial services, water loss reduction and quality assurance, it is necessary to ramp up the skills and staffing numbers with at least another 300 skilled staff leading to a staff ratio of 4 per 1000 connections. Deploying such critical skills would not be feasible in the current public sector recruitment process and hence need to be mobilized by the delegated private sector. This would also boost the local employment opportunities and can attract return of Mauritian skilled manpower to the island provided the remuneration and benefits match with international labor market standards. 14.1. Organisational Analysis of CWA The organizational performance is summarized below. i. Good coverage of customer connections ii. More than sufficient water resources iii. Service level in between emerging economies and developed world bureaucracy iv. Ageing assets v. Ageing staff vi. High and increasing water losses The critical issues in terms of organization performance are summarized below. Table 31 – CWA Organizational Performance Review S.No Cause Effect Strategy 1. Monopolies in Functional responsibilities Suppliers Consultants No accountability Blame game Distress decision making Break Monopolies Introduce competition Water account translates to team performance with safety net for historical asset conditions Pilot area – learn and improve Vendor development Global bidding Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 42 24h July 2016 2. Bureaucratic organization mindset Strategic planning stops at corporate level Middle managers engaged in paper work No guidance to line staff Allowances promoting inefficiency Internal problems left for interventions by Consultants Wastage of time and resources New staff leave after couple of years Professionalize the staff Appropriate, simple information systems Rationalise allowances regime Develop/hire analytical skills Introduce Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Train the younger staff 3. Poor Contract Management No recognition of employer powers and responsibilities More time and more money No individual targets Over dependence on consultants Cost over runs Mismatched implementation Arbitration No experience to new staff Improve Contract Management Performance based contracting Introduce individual targets Electronic procurement Develop local professional contracting expertise Support joint ventures between local and global contracting agencies Rationalise contract conditions 4. Compromise on quality and workmanship 30000 leaks repaired and added Low or no supervision and inspectors busy with paper work No verification of consultants work No cross check with specs Engineers lost touch with sites Intermittent supplies Deterioration of assets Poor public image Improvement QMS Institute a Quality team 2 International + 1External local Review specs and reinforce with latest practices Incorporate minimum supervision standards Develop simple job charts and site drawings for use of line staff Stipulate key and critical equipment Prescribe post qualifications for specialised works QMS certification 5. Poor internal and external communications No periodical customer interactions Improve Communications Fortnightly management meetings Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 43 24h July 2016 Chinese walls between functional heads Formal paper communications Low utilisation of intranet Archaic paper trail Gap between Ops face and customer Reduce file movement steps De-bottleneck the intranet and train staff Quarterly get-together Half yearly meetings with resident associations Customer message leaflets Disclosure of Half Yearly Performance Reports Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 44 24h July 2016 15. Service Improvement Planning CWA over the past fifteen years, had made several attempts to improve the water services but did not meet with desired level of success. These attempts are summarized below. 15.1. NRW Reduction Consultancy Contract CWA hired the services of Severn Trent Water International to undertake the study and development of a strategy for NRW reduction. The consultant had completed base line studies and prepared a strategy for reduction but it was totally peripheral advice and CWA could not implement as it lacked internalized organizational improvement by the operations and commercial staff. In the recent NRW consultancy contract with the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) although reasonably good efforts were made by the external consultants it was limited to information management through GIS, hydraulic modelling, some pipe renewal and capacity building of the NRW team in CWA. Due to very nature of structure of the NRW team not being part of operational or commercial divisions, with no oversight or input in respect of meter reading, meter readers or meter replacement or pipe laying, the results from the efforts were just about 1% reduction in NRW over 2 years. 15.2. In-sourcing of external professionals CWA with the objective of inducting professional management had attempted and continues to hire professionals from the market for the key positions of General Manager, Deputy General Manager, NRW Manager, Commercial Manager etc. While these attempts have resulted in some islands of excellence,t due to short term nature of such contracts, by the time the professional has understood the weaknesses of CWA, the contract term is almost ended and such arrangements further diluted the accountability of permanent internal staff towards the external professionals. 15.3. Hiring of Consultants CWA hires local and international consultants for most of project planning, detailed engineering design and construction supervision tasks. However due to the lack of performance based contracting, these consulting contracts mostly result in high cost overruns and poor quality and workmanship of the resultant infrastructure improvements. For example, CWA had to face substantial leakage through over ground assets like Pailles WTP built recently and CWA ended blaming the supervision consultants and the contractors. As noted above, limited capacity and dubious selection requirements have led to contractors being selected who have delivered poor workmanship and materials for PE pipe replacement. In the above background, it is imperative to understand the core reasons for CWA's deteriorating performance and failure of the attempts discussed above. 15.4. Intermittent Water Supply CWA's key problem is the prevailing practice of intermittent water supply which makes all the efforts to reduce non-revenue water futile. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 45 24h July 2016 Figure 27 – Vicious cycle of intermittent water supply With each dry season and aggravated with high leakage and bursts, CWA resorts to increased rationing affecting the network strength and reducing the asset life. The rationing would seriously inhibit operational feasibility of active leakage control (ALC) resulting in ever increasing losses. To break this downward spiral, CWA requires a carefully planned and dry season insulated strategy of expanding the service areas with continuous (24x7) water supply and going after the resultant increased losses with high vigilance and trained human resources supported by sufficient and timely availability of financial resources. Implementation of above strategy requires the following key ingredients: i. Change Management: Major surgery of change management especially in the functioning of operations, commercial, planning and development and procurement divisions and practices. CWA itself should be subject to performance requirements which are then reflected in management and division performance targets. Procurement bottlenecks and processes need to be addressed, so that improvements can be achieved over a reasonable timeframe ii. Improving Quality and Workmanship: A total change of mindset is absolutely necessary to ensure that CWA procures and implements the best quality, sustainable workmanship. iii. Water Resources: Additional water resources to meet the increased losses that will result from the introduction of continuous supply (see 15.5 below) iv. Structured and focused NRW control program to reduce NRW to about 44% through a holistic and phased approach. Leakage Rationing Increased Friction Low Pressure Storage/ Boosters Increased Rationing High friction/ Surge Low network efficiency Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 46 24h July 2016 v. Financial Resources: It is essential to ensure continuous and timely availability of financial resources for pipe renewal plus working capital to meet the incremental opex necessary for additional production and intensive leak repair in the short term and for investment and asset planning in the longer term. As CWA does not recover its capex needs through revenue it cannot rely on investment levels and so is unable to plan medium or long-term. The most sustainable way to ensure that CWA has consistent funding available and is financially self-sufficient would be through improving CWA's operational and financial performance so that it can raise funding through tariffs and can eventually raise commercial finance. While the components (i) and (ii) above would be dealt in detail by the project team separately, an attempt is made to assess the resources required to address the components (iii) and (iv) hereunder. 15.5. Requirement of additional water resources The rationing resorted by CWA during the year 2015 is shown below. Table 32 – Percentage customers with different supply hours Zone 24 hours 16 - 20hrs 12-15hrs < 12 hours PL 69 0 22 9 DWSN 47 28 5 20 MAVU 54 7 36 3 MAVL 9 5 8 78 DWSE 68 8 21 3 DWSS 83 6 8 3 In moving to 24x7 water supply typically more water is required as NRW increases in a pressurized system and there is a general increase in uptake by consumers. Based on the average hours of supply in each operating zone and the NRW levels seen during the year 2015, an attempt is made here to project the NRW volume in simulated 24x7 supply and the resultant production capacity required which is shown below. Table 33 – Projected NRW and Production Volumes Projected volumes in 24hour supply Zone NRW Production %NRW PL 16150372 0 9154478 5055769 30360618 46932003 65% DWSN 11967255 9505905 2263311 12221878 35958348 57397642 63% MAVU 11640240 2011893 13795840 1552032 29000005 46939923 62% MAVL 2548875 1888056 4027852 53016599 61481382 77697308 79% DWSE 15913565 2496245 8736859 1684966 28831635 40725659 71% DWSS 20997570 2023862 3597977 1821476 28440885 42342554 67% Total 79217877 17925961 41576317 75352719 214072874 312035090 69% Daily production required in 24x7 supply scenario in million litres per day 855 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 47 24h July 2016 The total production required to move to 24x7 service in the entire service area would be approximately 312million cubic meters of production which is equivalent to 855mld of daily production. During year 2015, CWA produced an average of 673mld and hence additional resources of (855-673=) 182mld would be required. However, it is not prudent to switch over to 24x7 service in the entire service area simultaneously if NRW is to be managed and it has to be planned efficiently from upstream to downstream DMAs in a phased campaign. Assuming a time line of five years of implementation to switch over to 24x7 to achieve say a 44% resultant NRW level, the requirement of production capacity would be 710mld necessitating additional water production of 37mld. CWA had already initiated augmentation of water resources by 60mld (60000cum/day) capacity water treatment works at Bagatelle Dam at a cost of MRU1.25billion. Although the associated water transmission works are in completion stage, the dam and treatment works procurement are held up in local courts due to a procurement award controversy. Assuming CWA resolves the procurement issue, the availability of additional 60mld should be achieved in about three years that is by 2019. 15.6. Focused NRW Control Although considerable efforts have been made by the recent NRW consultancy implemented by SCE, the resultant reduction in NRW was not encouraging (although as some of the planned works are still in implementation the overall impact of the pilot is not yet established). Taking into account the lessons that are being drawn from the consultancy, the following strategy would need to be systematically implemented: i. DMAs isolation integrity can be achieved with relatively limited investment as the DMA structure is still in tact ii. Information management, analysis and monitoring requires modern tools like GIS and ERP systems for improving efficiency of operations and commercial services. There needs to be greater coordination between the operations and commercial divisions iii. High amount of losses in communication pipes and about a third of dysfunctional meters and another third of slow moving meters indicate that the network rehabilitation should focus on house service connections and a scientific meter replacement policy iv. About 4,000 bulk customers consume about 30% of the potable water supply and contribute about 35% of CWA revenue. Assuming 10% meter-error in this category would account to almost 3% of losses and 10% loss of revenue. As such it would be ideal to install high accuracy electronic customer meters (ultrasonic and automatically and remotely read) for these customers. v. High pipe breaks in MAVL due to greater proportion of AC pipes indicate that pipe renewal should focus on early replacement of AC, PVC, Steel, GI and CI pipes which are more than 40years of age. CWA desperately requires a scientific and robust asset replacement policy and protocol to sustain the improvements made. vi. Customers are treated as sources of revenue and complaints rather than as assets which are the center of CWA's business. Change management and an overhaul of the commercial division is required to transform it into a modern customer facing and orientated business. Currently GoM has proposed to support CWA with investment funding of MRU 8 billion under BMF and the investment proposals drawn up by CWA to utilize these funds are shown in Annexure 2A and 2B. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 48 24h July 2016 However, these proposals are adhoc and are not based on a structured strategy of NRW control and achieving continuous water supply. In light of above, an effort is made to develop an outline structured investment and asset management strategy, founded on the following principles. a. Water resource adequacy to be achieved with Bagatelle water treatment and transmission system to be completed by year 2019 b. Debottlenecking the existing water extraction arrangements to facilitate inter-zonal transfer to DWS North and MAV Lower zones c. Upgradation of water treatment process to meet the increasing turbidity in raw water resulting from climate change and deforestation d. Focused and structured water loss reduction program comprising of following components. i. Renewal of DMAs to ensure functional measurement and monitoring instrumentation and integrity of isolation of zone ii. Replacement of service connections and customer meters to reduce leakage and commercial losses iii. Prioritised pipe renewal program to minimum dependence of Asbestos Cement pipes and old cast iron pipes iv. Replacement of identified mains with high leakage and repair history v. Pipe-renewal cum remodeling of primary distribution mains to improve water supply and pressure in the network The above strategy is pictorially shown in the process flow diagram provided in the following page. Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 49 24h July 2016 Figure 28 – Strategy for Service Improvement Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 50 24h July 2016 16. Costing of Service Improvements 16.1. Capex Requirements Considering the local operating environment and the absence of detailed asset management plans and asset condition assessment, any attempt to estimate the capex requirements is based on set of assumptions made as per prudent industry practice. Unless the system is operated on site and the network activity is captured and the asset data updated on continuous basis, it is not practical to determine exact capex requirements. In addition, the level of capex is also influenced by future growth and especially any demand management measures CWA undertakes in lieu of reaching the limit of locally available water resources. As CWA progresses towards cost recovery to reduce dependence upon the government subsidy by improving the operating efficiency and rationalizing user fees, the demand at tap would tend to reduce facilitating deferment of any further resource augmentation. Taking these issues into consideration the scoping of capex and costing is undertaken and an indicative capex profile is determined. This profile is to assess the impact on level of capex subsidy required and also user fees to be charged for improved operating efficiency. The profile is subject to continuous update based on availability of funds and ground truthing of actual investments required during the first five years of operations. 16.2. Basis for Scoping Asset rehabilitation and replacement assumptions are made duly taking into account the historical capex investments made by CWA since year 2006 including the recent NRW project by itself as well as the network rehabilitation being implemented by the Central Wastewater Authority. 16.3. Basis for Costing The unit costs for planning service improvements are derived from analyzing the recent NRW consultancy project as well as the proposed investments by CWA under BMF Phase I as shown in the following table. Table 34 – Unit Costs considered for capex planning US Dollar Conversion rate in MRU 35 Item of work Source Unit Quantity Amount Unit Cost MRU MRU US$ GIS and IT NRWU Number 48 30178542 628800 17970 DMA civil works NRWU Number 48 2737675 57100 1640 Dataloggers NRWU Number 55 2994466 54500 1560 Bulk flow meters NRWU Number 26 716095 27600 790 DMA Integrity Rehabilitation NRWU Number 48 19181088 399700 11420 Customer Survey AKJ Connection 400000 40 1.2 ERP System AKJ Job 1 30000000 857150 Vehicles AKJ Each 1 1000000 28580 Customer meters AKJ Each 1 1200 40 AMR Meters AKJ Each 1 10000 290 DMA Integrity Rehabilitation NRWU DMA 1 399700 11420 Network rehabilitation AKJ Running Meter 1 2500 80 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 51 24h July 2016 Network Expansion AKJ Running Meter 1 2500 80 In addition to water loss reduction program, the rehabilitation of existing production works to meet the water quality requirements and also resource augmentation planned by CWA are as follows. Table 35 – Proposed renovation and augmentation of production capacity Water Treatment Plants Rehab Cum Capex MRU Million Implementation period La Nicoliere 66000 715 2018-21 River du Poste intake works 15000 88 2021-21 Mont Blanc 10000 187 2019-21 Piton du Milieu 30000 173 2017-19 Water Treatment Plants New Bagatelle 60000 1250 2017-18 Riv des Auguilles 40000 1600 2025-27 The scoping assumptions are shown in Annexure 4. The capex profile and the projected capital costs are shown in the tables provided below. Table 36 – Abstract of Capex Investments Capex in millions without inflation MRU US$ Capex up to Year 2020 7803 223 Capex from Year 2021-25 5340 153 Capex from Year 2026 -30 3655 104 Total 16798 480 All numbers are without inflation. Table 37 – CWA Capex Projections Capex up to 2022 Capex 2022-30 Total Capex Capex Item of Work MRU Million US$ million MRU Million US$ million MRU Million US$ million Soft costs for billing and IT systems 268.64 7.68 97.28 2.78 365.92 10.46 Water Treatment Rehabilitation 1163 33.23 0 0 1163 33.23 Water Treatment Plant new 1250 35.71 1600 45.71 2850 81.42 Service storage and buildings 155 4.43 215 6.14 373 10.57 DMA Related 608.29 17.38 550.48 15.73 1158.77 33.11 Network Replaced 4551.83 130.05 1021.16 29.18 5572.99 159.23 Annual network rehabilitation 1597.75 45.65 2130.33 60.87 3728.07 106.52 Network Expansion 680.94 19.46 907.92 25.94 1588.86 45.4 Total capex 10275.45 293.59 6522.17 186.35 16797.61 479.94 All numbers are without inflation Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 52 24h July 2016 Annexure 1 - Existing Pipe Networks in CWA Zone 25 32 37 40 50 63 75 90 100 110 160 200 250 300 Subtotal PL 562 749 0 2287 5371 8136 0 23102 0 33728 20282 0 0 1029 95246 DWSN 0 3490 0 920 11383 19420 0 77328 0 102649 57403 8450 0 0 281043 MAVU 0 1547 526 3011 25046 34307 5845 80930 0 46653 28487 1422 0 0 227774 MAVL 0 0 0 0 20441 27579 2404 32770 215 75333 28520 1230 3311 0 191803 DWSE 0 0 0 0 2935 9595 453 57092 0 65758 44443 0 580 0 180856 DWSS 0 0 0 0 11310 19690 0 53542 0 49955 54195 0 10695 0 199387 Subtotal 562 5786 526 6218 76486 118727 8702 324764 215 374076 233330 11102 14586 1029 1176109 Zone 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 800 4225 PL 0 769 7266 23940 23079 4898 10461 2933 1909 5251 807 0 0 81313 DWSN 0 0 15967 83349 46275 37416 13483 1920 12582 0 0 0 0 210992 MAVU 0 3260 6975 22176 28651 21094 15869 7607 14029 2424 0 2374 10543 135002 MAVL 0 14290 8789 70850 33341 16762 59209 7312 0 706 0 0 0 211259 DWSE 0 5421 4354 26814 35747 19186 11004 6933 4861 5513 0 0 0 119833 DWSS 0 2825 7460 39740 25745 20875 37295 5300 5655 1250 0 1750 0 147895 Subtotal 0 26565 50811 266869 192838 120231 147321 32005 39036 15144 807 4124 10543 0 906294 Zone 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 375 400 525 600 3550 PL 84635 53955 3420 32883 9845 3749 5499 0 989 135 1072 0 0 0 196182 DWSN 0 66263 100383 7562 59817 21183 9146 0 3361 4805 0 0 0 0 272520 MAVU 0 55306 83124 4999 13337 0 4478 2972 0 13042 0 915 0 0 178173 MAVL 8161 76369 42978 11129 35894 615 15296 1100 2644 5046 4309 0 160 0 203701 DWSE 0 34694 59457 3060 36824 5989 20279 0 9766 10626 3200 0 0 6400 190295 DWSS 0 30406 48025 25218 11788 0 7531 0 4100 5628 0 0 0 0 132696 Subtotal 92846 317068 337487 84976 167655 31711 62429 4297 21110 39582 8956 1315 685 7000 1177117 Zone 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 475 3325 PL 0 5635 4074 716 446 803 3784 311 3604 0 1066 0 456 2733 23628 DWSN 0 20883 776 18010 5382 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45051 MAVU 0 17191 4680 15094 776 4135 12200 2473 4331 610 8566 1108 0 0 71164 MAVL 1808 21391 20184 4132 6136 2916 2494 2389 6721 4028 0 0 0 0 72199 DWSE 0 4526 13924 2895 1508 2731 0 0 0 1100 380 0 0 0 27064 DWSS 0 0 4500 3850 15450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23800 Subtotal 1858 69701 48238 44822 29848 10760 18678 5398 14906 6038 10362 1508 906 3208 266231 Zone 75 100 150 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 525 3025 PL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DWSN 2375 26475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28850 MAVU 0 1118 9037 0 686 0 5601 0 11486 7000 5781 40709 MAVL 0 0 0 105 3588 542 9704 0 0 0 0 13939 DWSE 0 2593 420 1760 0 1765 0 1673 0 6359 0 14570 DWSS 1625 0 1875 0 0 260 2200 0 10951 0 0 16911 Subtotal 4075 30286 11482 2065 4499 2817 17805 2023 22837 13809 6306 118004 Zone 32 37 50 75 100 125 150 569 PL 0 0 1209 3644 975 0 0 5828 DWSN 0 0 11650 6927 5014 125 0 23716 MAVU 133 2863 16534 3618 0 0 0 23148 MAVL 0 0 23379 10114 1334 0 585 35412 DWSE 0 0 3200 985 2796 0 0 6981 DWSS 0 0 1941 0 0 0 0 1941 Subtotal 165 2900 57963 25363 10219 250 735 97595 Zone 50 63 75 90 100 110 160 200 848 PL 4964 4716 0 0 0 816 0 1124 11620 DWSN 0 0 4000 0 0 600 0 0 4600 MAVU 0 0 0 107 0 0 0 0 107 MAVL 20821 2572 2046 1250 5147 463 2657 0 34956 DWSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DWSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 25835 7351 6121 1447 5247 1989 2817 1324 52131 Grand total 125341 459657 512628 431760 486792 286485 258487 369811 98104 448649 259761 18049 26720 11237 3793481 Asbestos Cement (AC) Cast Iron (CI) Steel Galvanised Iron (GI) Poly Venyle Chloride (PVC) Ductile Iron (DI) Poly Ethylene Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 53 24h July 2016 Annexure 2 A - Capital Projects Proposed under BMF Program Phase 1 S/N Project Zone Scope Estimated Value Funding PIPE REPLACEMENT Km MRU Million 1 Beau bassin and Rose Hill (ML) MAVL 35 500 100% BMF 2 Pierrefonds (PL) PL 12.5 300 100% BMF 3 Montagne Fayence-Ecroignard € DWSE 4 100 100% BMF 4 Roche Boise-Plaine Verte (PL) PL 20 100 100% BMF 5 Cite Roche Bois (PL) PL 15 100 100% BMF 6 Alma-Malinga (MU) MAVU 9 100 100% BMF 7 Alma-Alma Hill (MU) MAVU 2 33 100% BMF 8 Riv du Rempart-Roche Noire (N) DWSN 20 220 100% BMF 9 Salazie-Les Mariannes (N) DWSN 4 60 100% BMF 10 Lallmatie-Brisee Verdiere-Laventure ( E ) DWSE 12 200 100% BMF 11 Piton du milieu-Q Militaire ( E ) DWSE 7 100 100% BMF 12 Moka MAVU 10 75 100% BMF 13 Rose Belle-Plaine Magnien-Beau Vallon (S) DWSS 10 250 100% BMF 14 Grand Bel Air-Ville Noire (S) DWSS 12 120 100% BMF 15 Surinam DWSS 4 25 100% BMF 16 South West Coast MAVL 10.3 75 100% BMF SERVICE RESERVIOIRS Cum 125 50% BMF 1 Cluny (S) DWSS 200 2 Rich en Eau (S) DWSS 200 3 Balisson (S) DWSS 200 4 Riviere Dragon (S) DWSS 200 5 Alma (MU) MAVU 200 WATER TREATMENT PLANTS Upgrading/Extension of Existing Treatment Plants 1 La Nicoliere DWSN 715 50% BMF 2 Riv du Poste DWSS 88 100% BMF 3 Mont Blanc DWSS 187 100% BMF New Treatment Plants and Associated Works 1 Riv des Auguilles DWSS 40000 1600 50% BMF 2 Pont Lardier (Deep River Beau Champs) DWSE 15000 425 50% BMF Total Cost 5498 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 54 24h July 2016 Annexure 2 B - Capital Projects Proposed under BMF Program Phase 2 Pipe Replacement Projects to be implemented during 2018-2020, budget provision is yet to be made S.No Project Zone Unit Estimated Value 1 Pipe Replacement at More Gubies Palles PL 4 70 2 Offsite works at Les Salines and Mains Renewal at Les Salines 2.2 85 Subtotal 6.2 155 1 Replacement of Pipeline from triolet to trou aux Biches and Trou aux Biches Coastal RD DWSN 4 60 2 Nicoliere D`Epinay Pepeline 300 dia) and to Terre Rouge 10 51 3 Renewal of Pipeline from poudre D`Or Hamlet to Cottage 3 30 4 Replacement of Pipeline in Pereybere and Morc. Swan 2.5 25 5 Replacement of Pipeline in Morc. Raffray-Pte aux Cannoniers 2.5 25 6 Replacement of Pipeline at llot Branch Rd and Bois Pignolet 7.5 80 Subtotal 29.5 271 1 Supply and Replacement of Mains in DWS East DMA(4 contract Packages) -under NRW project DWSE 50 600 2 Supply and Replacement of Mains in DWS East DMA(another 4 Contract packages) -under NRW project 50 800 Subtotal 100 1400 1 Mangalkhan DMA MAVU 10.4 200 2 La Marie to Diolle 2.4 200 3 Eau Couiee DMA 13.1 200 4 Couvent St, Malherbes, Bigara, & Les Casernes DMAs 10 200 5 La Marie to La Brasserie 3.6 350 6 St Paul-Phoenix, Highlands, & Sadally Vacoas DMA 5 200 7 Other MAV(Upper) DMA Projects (4 contracts) 50 600 Subtotal 94.5 1950 1 Contracts for pipe replacement in MAV(Lower) which includes regions such as Rose Hill, Moka, Bambous and Riv Noice, Also includes Pipe renewal from Beau Songes to Palmyre reservoir MAVL 50 600 Subtotal 50 600 1 Pipelaying works in upper part of Bambous Virieux DWSS 5 25 2 Pipelaying works from Choisy to baie du Cap 2 30 3 Replacement of Pipeline from Cluny to St Hubert 4 40 4 Supply and Replacement of Mains in DWS South (4 contract packages) - under NRW Project 50 800 Subtotal 61 895 Grand Total CWA 341.2 5271 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 55 24h July 2016 Annexure 3 - CWA Organisation Chart Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 56 24h July 2016 Annexure 4 A- CWA Capex Assumptions Assumption Unit Quantity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Soft costs Customer Survey Connection 400000 50% 50% 1% 1% 1% 1% Setting up GIS Zone 209 105 105 2 2 2 2 ERP system Lump sum 1 100% Vehicles Number 30 10 10 10 10 10 Water Treatment Plants Rehab Cum MRU Million La Nicoliere 66000 715 20% 40% 40% Riv du Poste intake works 15000 88 50% 50% Mont Blanc 10000 187 20% 40% 40% Piton du Milieu 30000 173 20% 40% 40% Water Treatment Plants New Bagatelle 60000 1250 50% 50% Riv des Auguilles 40000 1600 Pont Lardier (Deep River Beau Champs) 15000 425 Service Reservoirs 200 25 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Cluny (S) 200 Rich en Eau (S) 200 Balisson (S) 200 Riviere Dragon (S) 200 Alma (MU) 200 Ops office and customer service centres 5 100% Asset Replacement Port Louis Customer meters Number 49228 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 57 24h July 2016 Assumption Unit Quantity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 AMR Meters Number 578 100% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Service Connections Number 49186 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 1.5% DMA Integrity Rehabilitation DMA 43 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% Network Replacement 100 Meters 161673 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 150 Meters 41093 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 200 Meters 9594 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 400 Meters 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Network Expansion Meters 496580 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Network Rehabilitation Meters 284220 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Subtotal Port Louis DWSN Customer meters Number 76816 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% AMR Meters Number 559 100% Service Connections Number 76694 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 1.5% DMA Integrity Rehabilitation DMA 31 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% Network Replacement 100 Meters 115462 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 5% 150 Meters 155581 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 5% 200 Meters 9146 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 400 Meters 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Network Expansion Meters 1040126 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Subtotal DWSN 759937 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% MAVU Customer meters Number 68998 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% AMR Meters Number 535 100% Service Connections Number 68920 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 1.5% DMA Integrity Rehabilitation DMA 47 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Network Replacement Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 58 24h July 2016 Assumption Unit Quantity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 100 Meters 92756 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 150 Meters 118052 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 200 Meters 28410 5% 5% 5% 10% 400 Meters 24267 5% 10% 10% Network Expansion Meters 811292 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Subtotal MAVU 547807 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% MAVL Customer meters Number 62237 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% AMR Meters Number 522 100% Service Connections Number 62176 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 1.5% DMA Integrity Rehabilitation DMA 50 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% Network Replacement 100 Meters 178097 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 150 Meters 78423 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 200 Meters 35218 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 400 Meters 0 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Network Expansion Meters 915923 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Subtotal MAVL 624185 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% DWSE Customer meters Number 43796 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% AMR Meters Number 204 100% Service Connections Number 43780 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 1.5% DMA Integrity Rehabilitation DMA 36 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% Network Replacement 100 Meters 46201 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 150 Meters 82349 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 200 Meters 23804 10% 10% 10% 10% 400 Meters 6359 10% 10% 10% 10% Network Expansion Meters 647519 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 59 24h July 2016 Assumption Unit Quantity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Subtotal DWSE 488806 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% DWSS Customer meters Number 52228 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% AMR Meters Number 286 100% Service Connections Number 52172 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 1.5% DMA Integrity Rehabilitation DMA 49 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% Network Replacement 100 Meters 32347 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 150 Meters 85093 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 200 Meters 9991 10% 10% 10% 10% 400 Meters 10951 10% 10% 10% 10% Network Expansion Meters 627156 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Subtotal DWSS 488774 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Customer Meters 366897 374092 381430 388915 396550 404337 Customer meters Number 353303 70661 70661 70661 70661 70661 6538 AMR Meters Number 2684 2684 6 6 6 6 6 DMA Integrity Rehabilitation DMA 256 44 44 44 44 44 13 Network Replacement 100 Meters 626536 40134 40134 40134 40134 40134 32032 150 Meters 560591 35050 35050 35050 35050 35050 24480 200 Meters 116163 5396 10196 10196 10196 11616 915 400 Meters 41577 0 1731 2944 4158 4158 0 Subtotal Network Replacement Meters 1344867 80580 87111 88324 89538 90958 57427 Network Expansion Meters 4538597 45386 45386 45386 45386 45386 45386 Network Rehabilitation Meters 3193730 31937 31937 31937 31937 31937 31937 Cumulative Scope Customer Meters Number 353303 70661 141322 211983 282644 353305 359843 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 60 24h July 2016 Assumption Unit Quantity 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 DMA Integrity Rehabilitation Number 256 91 135 179 223 267 280 Existing Network Replacement Meters 1344867 312937 400048 488372 577910 668868 726295 Network Expansion Meters 45386 90772 136158 181544 226930 272316 Network Rehabilitation Meters 31937 63874 95811 127748 159685 191622 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 61 24h July 2016 Annexure 4B – CWA Capex Profile up to the year 2022 Capex Category 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Soft costs Customer Survey 8000 8000 160 160 160 160 Setting up GIS 67000 67000 2000 2000 2000 2000 ERP system 30000 0 0 0 0 0 Vehicles 30000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Subtotal Soft Costs 135000 85000 12160 12160 12160 12160 Water Treatment Plants Rehab La Nicoliere 0 143000 286000 286000 0 0 Riv du Poste intake works 0 0 0 44000 44000 0 Mont Blanc 0 0 37400 74800 74800 0 Piton du Milieu 34600 69200 69200 0 0 0 Subtotal Water Treatment Rehab 34600 212200 392600 404800 118800 0 Water Treatment Plants New Bagatelle 625000 625000 0 0 0 0 Riv des Auguilles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pont Lardier (Deep River Beau Champs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal Water Treatment Works 625000 625000 0 0 0 0 Service Reservoirs Different new service reservoirs 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 Ops office and customer service centres 0 0 0 5000 0 0 Subtotal - bulk supply improvements 25000 25000 25000 30000 25000 25000 Asset Replacement CWA DMA Related Customer meters 84820 84820 84820 84820 84820 63630 AMR Meters 26840 60 60 60 60 60 DMA Integrity Rehabilitation 17660 17660 17660 17660 17660 5120 Mauritius Potable Water Sector Reform CWA Diagnostic Report - Final The World Bank P a g e " 62 24h July 2016 Capex Category 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Subtotal DMA Related 129320 102540 102540 102540 102540 68810 Subtotal Network Replacement 700730 799620 834120 868610 883300 465450 Network Rehabilitation 266291 266291 266291 266291 266291 266291 Network Expansion 113490 113490 113490 113490 113490 113490 CWA subtotal for networks 1080511 1179401 1213901 1248391 1263081 845231 CWA Grand total capex 2029431 2229141 1746201 1797891 1521581 951201 Capex in millions without inflation MRU US$ Capex up to Year 20202 (Six years) 10275 294 Capex from Year 2022-30 4922 141 Total 15197 435 Capex by category in millions 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Soft Costs 135 85 12.16 12.16 12.16 12.16 Water Treatment Rahab 34.6 212.2 392.6 404.8 118.8 0 Water Treatment Works - New 625 625 0 0 0 0 Bulk Supply Improvements 25 25 25 30 25 25 DMA Related 129.32 102.54 102.54 102.54 102.54 68.81 Network Replacement 700.73 799.62 834.12 868.61 883.3 465.45 Network Expansion 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 113.49 Network rehabilitation 266.29 266.29 266.29 266.29 266.29 266.29 Grand Total CWA 2029 2229 1746 1798 1522 951

Appendix to World Bank Report - CWA Final Diagnostic Report July 2016.

Appendix to World Bank Report - CWA Final Diagnostic Report July 2016.