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Appendix C: Special and Other Extra Budgetary Funds

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Estimates and Indicative Estimates

Table C1: Summary of Special and other Extra Budgetary Funds Rs Million Receipts Payments Transfer to CF* Balance as at 30 June 2019 National Resilience Fund 1,987 49 251 1,600 185 National Environment Fund 2,000 300 1,590 710 Lotto Fund 266 310 252 324 TOTAL 4,253 659 2,093 1,600 1,219 * Consolidated Fund 2018/19 Estimates Balance as at 30 June 2018 APPENDIX C: SPECIAL AND OTHER EXTRA BUDGETARY FUNDS 378 Rs Million Code 2017/18 Estimates 2018/19 Estimates 2019/20 Planned 2020/21 Planned Opening Balance 2,812 1,987 185 - Add Receipts - 49 250 200 Exchange gain/loss (Unrealised) - - - 14599 Refund from SIC - - 250 200 14599 Refund from DBM - 35 - - 14599 Refund from SLDC - 14 - - Less Payments - 251 - - ACCESS TO FINANCE - 100 - - Leasing Facilities - 100 - - 32145 Enterprise Equipment Modernisation Scheme 100 OTHER - 151 - - 22120 Fees to Consultants - 1 - 28215 Support to Economic Sectors - 150 - - Exchange Rate Support Scheme 150 28215 Support to Sugar Planters - - - Transfer to Consolidated Fund 2,812 1,600 435 200 Closing Balance - 185 - - Memorandum Item: Investment Expenditure - 100 - - Current Expenditure - 151 - - Total - 251 - - Table C2: National Resilience Fund APPENDIX C: SPECIAL AND OTHER EXTRA BUDGETARY FUNDS 379 Rs Million 2018/19 Estimates 2019/20 Planned Opening Balance 2,000 710 Add Receipts 300 400 Additional resources from international organisations/friendly countries, including Adaptation Fund Board, Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund and King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre - Saudi Arabia. 300 400 Less Expenditure 1,590 1,040 Rehabilitation, Protection and Management of Beaches and Lagoons Programme 160 152 Flood Management Programme 965 450 Clean Up Mauritius and Embellishment Programme - "Moris Nou Zoli Pei" 165 160 of which Asbestos Treatment Programme 20 20 Solid Waste Management Programme 105 46 Landslide Management Programme 170 209 Disaster Risk Reduction Operations 25 23 Closing Balance 710 70 Table C3: National Environment Fund APPENDIX C: SPECIAL AND OTHER EXTRA BUDGETARY FUNDS 380 Table C4: Lotto Fund Rs Million 2017/18 Estimates 2018/19 Estimates 2019/20 Planned 2020/21 Planned Opening Balance 168 266 324 484 Add Proceeds from National Lottery 143 310 310 310 Sub-total 311 576 634 794 Less Payments (details of expenditure given below) 172 252 149 119 Closing Balance 139 324 484 675 Details of Expenditure Promotion of Arts and Culture 108 138 58 58 Rehabilitation and Restoration of National Heritage Sites 30 30 30 30 Contribution for National Arts Fund Activities 50 50 - - National Award for Artists 2 3 3 3 Promoting Local Production- Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation 4 4 3 3 Contribution to Mauritius Society of Authors 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Renovation of Port-Louis Theatre 10 20 - - Consultancy for Renovation of Plaza Theatre 10 24 - - Renovation of ex-Borstal - 5 20 20 Mauritius National Troupe project 1 1 1 1 National Sports Development 61 89 66 61 Formulation of a National Sports Policy 5 2 - - Formulation of a National Youth Policy - 6 - - Promoting Sports Activities for Primary School Children 10 - - - Youth Empowerment against Social ills 5 - - - Wellness Programme for Senior Citizens 2 - - - Sports Training Programme for Adolescents 3 - - - Be Active - Children and Youth - 26 26 26 Ageing Well - Working Population - 9 9 9 Elderly Fitness - 3 3 3 Contribution to Mauritius Professional Football League 26 - - - Contribution to National Football Academy 5 5 5 5 Professional Development of Athletes 5 5 5 5 Ecoles de Sports - 8 8 8 Contribution to IOIG 2019 - 15 - - Preparation of Athletes for Olympic Games 2020 - 5 5 - Support to Sports Teams - 5 5 5 Other Projects/Schemes 2 25 25 - Administrative cost 1 1 1 1 Total Payments 172 252 149 119 APPENDIX C: SPECIAL AND OTHER EXTRA BUDGETARY FUNDS 381

Appendix C: Special and Other Extra Budgetary Funds

 Appendix C: Special and Other Extra Budgetary Funds
 Appendix C: Special and Other Extra Budgetary Funds
 Appendix C: Special and Other Extra Budgetary Funds
 Appendix C: Special and Other Extra Budgetary Funds